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2 Course Code: BSM5021
3 Type of Course: Optional
4 Level of Course: Second Cycle
5 Year of Study: 1
6 Semester: 1
7 ECTS Credits Allocated: 6
8 Theoretical (hour/week): 3
9 Practice (hour/week) : 0
10 Laboratory (hour/week) : 0
11 Prerequisites: None
12 Recommended optional programme components: None
13 Language: Turkish
14 Mode of Delivery: Face to face
15 Course Coordinator: Prof. Dr. ALİ VARDAR
16 Course Lecturers: YOK
17 Contactinformation of the Course Coordinator: e-posta: dravardar@uludag.edu.tr
Telefon: 0 224 2941605
Adres: Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Biyosistem Mühendisliği Bölümü, Görükle Kampüsü, 16059, Nilüfer/BURSA
18 Website:
19 Objective of the Course: Management School and the scope of the importance of agricultural machinery, agricultural machinery, the basic concepts of the operating business, business success, and their power requirements and cost calculation methods to teach concepts and give the ability to use these methods. In addition, the primary methods used in the selection of machines and machine concept selection, machine to teach methods of obtaining and using a common machine.
20 Contribution of the Course to Professional Development It contributes to the student's understanding of agricultural business, the use of appropriate machinery and optimization.
21 Learning Outcomes:
1 Learning the importance and scope of agricultural machinery, Management School;
2 Agricultural machines and operating business, learning the basic concepts of;
3 These methods of machine learning and ability to use computational methods to gain success;
4 Machine learning methods for calculating the power requirement and the ability to use these methods to gain;
5 Methods of machine learning and computational cost concepts and their ability to use these methods to gain;
6 The main methods used in the selection of machine selection and machine learning and applying the concept of;
7 Machine learning methods for acquiring and using a common machine;
22 Course Content:
Week Theoretical Practical
1 Introduction, agricultural machinery, management, importance and scope, the concept of agricultural machinery business success, economic, business success, business success, technical, theoretical, business success, business success in real
2 Calculation methods of business success, business success factors in an effective, working width, operating speed, field efficiency
3 Other factors that effect business success, field shape, the parcel width, tuning and maintenance, and return to work forms plots
4 The concept of power, and power requirements of farm machinery, basic concepts, force, distance, time, speed, work, torque, power
5 The concept of power for tractors, motor fuel performance, net engine power, the power of the tail shaft, axle power, tractive power, the power calculation methods taktörlerde
6 Agricultural machines, the power requirement, the need for traction, PTO power requirement, power consumption requirements of different machines used in the calculation methods
7 Farm machinery cost, Cost elements, fixed costs (depreciation, interest, protection, taxes, insurance costs), the variable costs (fuel, oil, repairs, labor costs)
8 Depreciation, interest, protection, tax and insurance expenses in the calculation methods used
9 General Review
10 Fuel, oil, repairs, and methods used in the calculation of labor costs
11 Effective factors in the selection of agricultural machines and machine selection, which are used by the selection of agricultural machines
12 Periods, and field workability workable
13 Mechanical renovation
14 Mechanical methods and applications in the world to obtain and use a common machine
23 Textbooks, References and/or Other Materials: 1. Donnell H., 2001. Farm Power and Machinery Management, Iowa State University Press, (10th edition), ISBN 0-8138-1756-0.
2. Brian W., 1996. “Choosing and Using Farm Machines”, Redwood Books, ISBN 0-9525596-0-9.
3. Darga A., 2005. Tarım Makinaları İşletmeciliği (Yayınlanmamış ders notları)
24 Assesment
Midterm Exam 0 0
Quiz 0 0
Homeworks, Performances 0 0
Final Exam 1 100
Total 1 100
Contribution of Term (Year) Learning Activities to Success Grade 0
Contribution of Final Exam to Success Grade 100
Total 100
Measurement and Evaluation Techniques Used in the Course The effect of the final exam on the course-passing grade is 100%.
Information If the number of students is over 20, relative evaluation is applied, if less than 20 students, absolute evaluation is applied.
Activites NUMBER TIME [Hour] Total WorkLoad [Hour]
Theoretical 14 3 42
Practicals/Labs 0 0 0
Self Study and Preparation 14 2 28
Homeworks, Performances 0 0 0
Projects 0 0 0
Field Studies 0 0 0
Midtermexams 0 45 0
Others 0 0 0
Final Exams 1 60 60
Total WorkLoad 130
Total workload/ 30 hr 5,83
ECTS Credit of the Course 6
PQ1 PQ2 PQ3 PQ4 PQ5 PQ6 PQ7 PQ8 PQ9 PQ10 PQ11 PQ12
LO1 3 4 3 2 4 3 2 4 3 3 2 4
LO2 4 3 3 3 4 3 2 4 3 3 2 5
LO3 5 5 3 4 5 3 2 5 3 3 4 5
LO4 5 5 3 4 5 3 2 5 3 3 4 5
LO5 3 5 5 4 5 3 2 5 3 3 4 4
LO6 4 4 3 4 5 3 2 5 3 3 3 5
LO7 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 2 3 3 5
LO: Learning Objectives PQ: Program Qualifications
Contribution Level: 1 Very Low 2 Low 3 Medium 4 High 5 Very High
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