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General Information


What is Diploma Supplement?

The Diploma Supplement (DS) is an annex, an explanatory note attached to a diploma awarded by a higher education institution. It helps to explain the diploma which may often be understood only within the country concerned. When fully completed this document provides all the information necessary to make a valid assessment of any degree or qualification.

The Supplement should be issued to every student, upon graduation, together with their official diploma, free of charge and without any demand, in English.

Institutions should disseminate information regarding the purpose and content of the Diploma Supplement among their own students as well as to local organisations, employers and other interested persons.

In this connection, the EUROPASS initiative of the Commission should be noted. The Commission proposes to integrate the different transparency instruments developed for vocational training (like the European Portfolio and the European CV) and bring them together in a single European Framework for Transparency of Qualifications and Competences, which would include the Diploma Supplement.

Diploma Supplement content

Each Diploma Supplement should start with the following preamble:

“This Diploma Supplement follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose of the supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve the international "transparency" and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the individual named on the original qualification to which this supplement is appended. It should be free from any value-judgements, equivalence statements or suggestions about recognition. Information in all eight sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, an explanation should give the reason why.”

And continue with the following eight sections:

1. Information identifying the holder of the qualification

1.1 Family name(s):

1.2 Given Name(s):

1.3 Date of birth (day/month/year):

1.4 Student identification number or code (if available):

2. Information identifying the qualification

2.1 Name of the qualification and (if applicable) title conferred (in original language):

2.2 Main field(s) of study for the qualification:

2.3 Name and status of awarding institution (in original language):

2.4 Name and status of institution (if different from 2.3) administering studies (in original language):

2.5 Language(s) of instruction/examination:

3. Information on the level of the qualification

3.1 Level of qualification:

3.2 Official length of programme:

3.3 Access requirements(s):

4. Information on the contents and results gained

4.1 Mode of study:

4.2 Programme requirements:

4.3 Programme details (e.g., modules or units studied), and the individual grades/marks/credits obtained: (if this information is available on an official transcript this should be used here.):

4.4 Grading scheme and, if available, grade distribution guidance:

4.5 Overall classification of the qualification (in original language):

5. Information on the function of the qualification

5.1 Access to further study:

5.2 Professional status (if applicable):

6. Additional information

6.1 Additional information:

6.2 Further information sources:

7. Certification of the supplement

7.1 Date:

7.2 Name and signature:

7.3 Capacity:

7.4 Official stamp or seal:

8. Information on the national higher education system

What Diploma Supplement is not?

–It is not a Curriculum Vitae.
–It is not a substitute for the original qualification or a transcript.
–It is not an automatic system that guarantees recognition
What does the Diploma Supplement offer to students?

–A diploma that is more readable and easily comparable abroad.
–A precise description of their academic career and the competencies acquired during the study period.
–Objective description of their achievements and competencies
–An easier access to opportunities of work or further studies abroad
–It fosters their employability

What does the Diploma Supplement offer to higher education institutions?

–It facilitates academic and professional recognition, thus increasing the transparency of qualifications.
–It protects national/institutional autonomy while offering a common frame which is accepted all over Europe.
–It promotes informed judgements about qualifications that can be understood in another educational
–It raises the visibility of the institution abroad.
–It promotes the employability of their graduates at national and international level.
–It helps saving time since it provides the answers to a lot of recurrent questions put to administrative services
In institutions about the content and portability of diplomas.
Why is the Diploma Supplement needed?

–It promotes transparency in higher education. –
–It accommodates rapid changes in qualifications.
–It aids mobility, access and lifelong learning.
–It promotes fair and informed judgements about qualifications.

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