Labour Economics and Industrial Relations
General Description
Labour Economics and Industrial Relations (LEIR) Department established 1975 within Bursa Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences and one of forth founders of faculty. Department titled Social Policy and Cooperative Trading for 1982. After 1982 code of "Higher University Council" department had been renamed "Labour Economics and Industrial Relations". Department has been interdisciplinary character and compatible to composition four sub-department activated which is "Labour Economics", "LAw of Labour and Social Security", "Sociology of Management and Work" and also "Psychology of Management and Work". In addition LEIR has given graduate and PhD. degree dependent Uludag University of Social Sciences Institute.
LEIR is subject to 240 ECTS credits in the fields of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations science. After the programme is complated successfully and programme´s qualifications are met, Bachelor degree is achieved in the field of Labour Economics and Industrial relations.
First Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements
Candidates must have diplomas of high schools and their equivalents and get adequate score from Higher Education Institutions Exam.
Specific arrangements for the recognition of prior learning
The provisions in “Regulation on Transfer among Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, and Subspecialty and the Principals of Credit Transfer among Institutions in Higher Education Institutions” are applied.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
Student´s should fulfill ECTS which has beenpredetermined at department program included must and elective courses; in addition GPA must be at least 2.00/4.00 to earn bachelor´s degree at labour Economics and Industrial Relations.
Profile of The Programme
Undergraduate programme of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations has aimed to reach universial and contemporary arguments about area through interdisciplinary perspective. For achieving this also other related disciplinary courses in Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science has been at program which is some of must and other electives.
Key Learning Outcomes & TYYÇ & TAY Relationship
Ability of using scientific resesarch methods very effectively and to discuss the results of methods on global scale.
Ability of actively adapting the informations which from the different disciplines related to the field to current events.
To oversee the principle of ´social justice´ in proposed solutions relating to social problems.
To offer concrete solutions to social problems in the context of scientific standards.
To master methodological requirements of social sciences and ability to follow the latest developments and critiques of them.
To evaluate of modern equivalents of legal regulations related to Social Policy and working life.
To master oral and written principles of the Turkish language and ability of using a high level of foreign grammar.
To analyze current political and economic developments in context of conceptual and thoroughly levels.
Becoming aware of the scientific and ethical principles of the discipline of Social Policy.
To comprehend the scientific information which is used for the country and the universal requirements.
TYYÇ - Key Learning Outcomes Relationship
Cognitive - Practical |
- To evaluate of modern equivalents of legal regulations related to Social Policy and working life.
- To comprehend the scientific information which is used for the country and the universal requirements.
- To master methodological requirements of social sciences and ability to follow the latest developments and critiques of them.
- Becoming aware of the scientific and ethical principles of the discipline of Social Policy.
- Ability of using scientific resesarch methods very effectively and to discuss the results of methods on global scale.
- To offer concrete solutions to social problems in the context of scientific standards.
- To analyze current political and economic developments in context of conceptual and thoroughly levels.
Theoretical - Conceptual |
- Ability of using scientific resesarch methods very effectively and to discuss the results of methods on global scale.
- To analyze current political and economic developments in context of conceptual and thoroughly levels.
- Becoming aware of the scientific and ethical principles of the discipline of Social Policy.
- To oversee the principle of ´social justice´ in proposed solutions relating to social problems.
- To offer concrete solutions to social problems in the context of scientific standards.
- To master methodological requirements of social sciences and ability to follow the latest developments and critiques of them.
- To master oral and written principles of the Turkish language and ability of using a high level of foreign grammar.
- To comprehend the scientific information which is used for the country and the universal requirements.
- To evaluate of modern equivalents of legal regulations related to Social Policy and working life.
Field Specific Competence |
- To master oral and written principles of the Turkish language and ability of using a high level of foreign grammar.
- To evaluate of modern equivalents of legal regulations related to Social Policy and working life.
- Becoming aware of the scientific and ethical principles of the discipline of Social Policy.
- To offer concrete solutions to social problems in the context of scientific standards.
- Ability of using scientific resesarch methods very effectively and to discuss the results of methods on global scale.
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility |
- To evaluate of modern equivalents of legal regulations related to Social Policy and working life.
- To master methodological requirements of social sciences and ability to follow the latest developments and critiques of them.
- To oversee the principle of ´social justice´ in proposed solutions relating to social problems.
- Ability of using scientific resesarch methods very effectively and to discuss the results of methods on global scale.
- To analyze current political and economic developments in context of conceptual and thoroughly levels.
- Becoming aware of the scientific and ethical principles of the discipline of Social Policy.
Communication and Social Competence |
- Becoming aware of the scientific and ethical principles of the discipline of Social Policy.
- To oversee the principle of ´social justice´ in proposed solutions relating to social problems.
- To evaluate of modern equivalents of legal regulations related to Social Policy and working life.
- To comprehend the scientific information which is used for the country and the universal requirements.
Learning Competence |
- Ability of using scientific resesarch methods very effectively and to discuss the results of methods on global scale.
- To master methodological requirements of social sciences and ability to follow the latest developments and critiques of them.
- Becoming aware of the scientific and ethical principles of the discipline of Social Policy.
- To evaluate of modern equivalents of legal regulations related to Social Policy and working life.
- To master oral and written principles of the Turkish language and ability of using a high level of foreign grammar.
TYYÇ - TAY Key Learning Outcomes Relationship
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
The students of our department can work as students of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in all areas where our Faculty´s graduates work, and our department graduates are primarily preferred:
• Specialist and manager in human resources (personnel management) departments of industrial and service enterprises;
• Training and collective bargaining specialist, labor and social security law consultant in workers ´, civil servants and employers´ organizations;
• Expert and supervisor in all units and affiliated institutions of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and the Ministry of Family and Social Services;
• Social security expert, social security inspector and inspector in the Social Security Institution;
• Employment Agency and the professionals employed in Turkey and inspection staff,
• Labor Attaché at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and,
• as a job and social security specialist in institutions that provide independent consultancy and training
they can make a career.
Access to Further Studies
Graduates, who have successfully completed undergraduate degree, providing minimum ALES (Academic Personnel and Postgraduate Education Entrance Exam)score and have sufficient knowledge of foreign language, may apply to national and international graduate programmes.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
In order for a student to be able to register for the courses at the beginning of the term and to take the final examination, she/he have to attend at least 70% of the classes. Students are made to take at least one mid-term and one final examination for each of the courses during a semester. The final grade for success is calculated by taking in account 60% of the mid-term grade and 40% of the final examination grade. Grades taken from the term papers, quizzes etc. can also be included in the calculation of the mid-term examination grade. All exams are assessed over a total of 100. For a student to be included in the Conditional Assessment System she/he needs to get a minimum of 20 as raw final grade and in order to be successful from a class her/his raw final grade must be at least 50. Besides, she/he must get a minimum of 50 as the final examination grade. A student is successful if she/he receives AA, BA, BB, CB and CC as the letter grade from a class. The letter grades of DC and DD stand for conditional success. In these cases, in order for a student to be successful from the class, her/his Cumulative Grade Point Average(CGPA) should be at least 2.0.
Graduation Requirements
In order to graduate from the program it is required to pass all the courses in the program (equivalent to total 240 ECTS) and to have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 over 4.00.
Address and Contact Details
Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi İİBF
Çalışma Ekonomisi ve Endüstri İlişkileri Bölümü
Görükle Kampüsü 16059, Nilüfer, BURSA/TÜRKİYE
Tel: (224)2941191
e-posta :
Telefon: (224) 2941132
Araş. Gör. Dr. Gözde SOSYAL
Araş. Gör. Gözde SÜMER KİBAR
Araş. Gör. Gözde SÜMER KİBAR
Education language at Labour Economics and Industrial Relations is Turkish. There are currently seven full time professors, two full- time associate professor, five full-time assistant professor, one full- time senior lecturer, four research assistant and two project assistants working in the department. Student should used and register to Bursa Uludag UniversityCentral Library and access all hardbacks and electronic services. In addition a newsroom is active at faculty and available for students also two broadband internet access facilities computer laboratory may used. Departments have signed student exchange program with ESTGF-Portugal, University of Granda - Spain and University of Varna-Bulgaria framed Erasmus-Socrates Agreement and mutual academic support agreement with RMIT-Australia.