Türkçe English Curriculum Key Learning Outcomes
General Description
Brief History
The History Department of Bursa Uludağ University began to give training in Bachelor degree in 1990. In 1992 the department get started its graduate programs. (MA Program in 1992 and Ph.D. program in 2006). The department consists of six chairs; the Ancient History, the History of Middle Ages, Early Modern History, Modern History, General Turkish History and the History of the Turkish Republic.
Qualification Awarded
The Bachelor´s Degree (first cycle) in History is awarded to graduates who have successfully completed all courses (240 ECTS) in the curriculum.
Level of Qualification
First Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements
Candidates must have High School Diploma and they must get enough points in the national Student Selection and Placement Examination.
Specific arrangements for the recognition of prior learning
The provisions in “Regulation on Transfer among Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, and Subspecialty and the Principals of Credit Transfer among Institutions in Higher Education Institutions” are applied.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
In order to get Bachelor’s Degree, students must obtain a grade point average of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 and successfully pass all courses on the program (equivalent to a total of 240 ECTS).
Profile of The Programme
The purpose of the History first cycle program is to educate historians who analyze historical events which affected the human as a social being by discussing in context of politics, economy, culture and art from antiquity to present. In this respect, there are courses in the curriculum teaching research methods and source documents and helping to gain the skills of analyzing and interpreting historical events.
Key Learning Outcomes & Classified & Comparative
1. To have ability to reach and use the historical resources and scientific publications
2. To gain skill in language to use historical resources; to gain ability to follow and understand contemporary researches and to have foreign language in order to have a contact at international level
3. To learn and assess the periods of the Turkish History in different places and cultural environments with its institutional attributes
4. To have ability to deal with the period of National War of Independence which has created modern Turkey by associating with local history
5. To gain ability to analyze the developments that emerge the institutions of Modern Turkey and the historical continuation of these institutions.
6. To gain the ability of being objective and making judgment
7. To have the ability to explain why social structures have a certain feature at a specific time and why and how they change
8. To plan future by taking the mutual interaction of time and space into consideration
9. To gain ability to follow contemporary and historical matters both at national and international level.
10. To have ability to express his/her opinion about the background of contemporary events
11. To be able to analyze the historical data regarding the institutional, socio-economic and cultural problems of Turkey
12. To learn and assess the political periods which created the historical and cultural inheritance of the World History
SKILLS Cognitive - Practical
  • To have ability to deal with the period of National War of Independence which has created modern Turkey by associating with local history
  • To learn and assess the periods of the Turkish History in different places and cultural environments with its institutional attributes
  • To gain ability to analyze the developments that emerge the institutions of Modern Turkey and the historical continuation of these institutions.
KNOWLEDGE Theoretical - Conceptual
  • To have ability to reach and use the historical resources and scientific publications
  • To gain skill in language to use historical resources; to gain ability to follow and understand contemporary researches and to have foreign language in order to have a contact at international level
  • To learn and assess the political periods which created the historical and cultural inheritance of the World History
COMPETENCES Field Specific Competence
  • To be able to analyze the historical data regarding the institutional, socio-economic and cultural problems of Turkey
  • To gain the ability of being objective and making judgment
COMPETENCES Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility
  • To plan future by taking the mutual interaction of time and space into consideration
COMPETENCES Communication and Social Competence
  • To have ability to express his/her opinion about the background of contemporary events
  • To plan future by taking the mutual interaction of time and space into consideration
  • To gain skill in language to use historical resources; to gain ability to follow and understand contemporary researches and to have foreign language in order to have a contact at international level
  • To have the ability to explain why social structures have a certain feature at a specific time and why and how they change
  • To gain the ability of being objective and making judgment
  • To gain ability to follow contemporary and historical matters both at national and international level.
COMPETENCES Learning Competence
  • To plan future by taking the mutual interaction of time and space into consideration
  • To be able to analyze the historical data regarding the institutional, socio-economic and cultural problems of Turkey
  • To learn and assess the political periods which created the historical and cultural inheritance of the World History
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
Formation for Teaching: Since 2009-2010 academic year, Bursa Uludag University Faculty of Art and Sciences has the authority to give “Pedagogical Formation Courses Certificate”. Students who achieved to receive the certificate, has the opportunity to become a “history teacher”. If the graduates of the History Department fulfill the conditions stipulated by the Ministry of Education, they can serve as a teacher at public schools, private schools and private educational institutions. In addition, they can become an expert at archives, manuscript libraries and at printing and publishing establishments. Historians that have necessary certificates can also work at the areas of tourism, guidance and advertising. At the same time, having the qualifications prescribed and foreign language skills, graduates may get admission to the master program, begin their academic life as a research assistant or work as a lecturer at the Department of Ataturk´s Principles and Reform History.
Access to Further Studies
Upon successful completion of undergraduate degree, candidates that get enough points in ALES (Academic Staff and Postgraduate Education Exam) can study graduate programs.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
First of all, at least 70% of courses must be attended by each student. As a general rule assessment is based on 1 mid-term and 1 final exam per course. Mid-term exam affects final grade % 40, and final exam affect it % 60. Various courses may demand seminars or quizzes. All exams are evaluated over 100 points. Students are required to obtain at least 50 points at the final exam. Students that have a letter grade of AA, BA, BB, CB and CC are considered successful from that course.
Graduation Requirements
Students must obtain a grade point average of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 and successfully pass all courses on the program (equivalent to a total of 240 ECTS).
Mode of Study
Address and Contact Details
Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü 16059 Nilüfer / Bursa
Tel: +90 224 2941855,
e-mail: tarih@uludag.edu.tr
Bölüm Başkanı: Prof. Dr. Cafer ÇİFTÇİ, Tel: +90 224 2941861
Program Koordinatörü: Öğr. Gör. Dr. Muhammed Seyyit ŞEN
İletişim Bilgileri: 0224 294 18 02
The department consists of six chairs; the Ancient History, the History of Middle Ages, Early Modern History, Modern History, the History of the Turkish Republic and General Turkish History. There are 8 Professors, 2 Associate Professors, 2 Assistant Professors, 2 Teaching Assistant with PhD and 6 research assistants in History Department. There are 13 rooms for academic staff, a meeting room and also a secretarial office.
Bologna İletişim
Mail : bologna@uludag.edu.tr
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