General Description
Department of Mathematics began to give instructions for bachelor, master and PhD levels in 1983. Binary training has been implemented since 1992.
Department of Mathematics consists of six main branches of science. These are: Analysis and Function Theory, Geometry, Applied Mathematics, Algebra and Number Theory, Fundamentals of Mathematics and Logic, and Topology.
First Cycle (Bachelor´s Degree). This is a first cycle degree program in the science of Mathematics (240 ECTS).
You will be awarded, on successful completion of the programme and gain competencies, a degree of undergraduate in Mathematics.
First Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements
Students who have started studies in other universities within or outside of the country may apply for their recognition. The recognition record is unique for each student and therefore the procedure is carried out accordingly before the start of each academic year.
Under an established exchanges program or one approved by the University, exchange students from abroad may be accepted for studies on the courses taught in English. Or, if they are confident in Turkish, they may then enrol in any courses, running in Turkish, For example, Erasmus students from abroad want to spend one term or two terms in a undergraduate programme at Uludag University should apply to International Relation Office.
Specific arrangements for the recognition of prior learning
The provisions in “Regulation on Transfer among Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, and Subspecialty and the Principals of Credit Transfer among Institutions in Higher Education Institutions” are applied.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
To obtain Bachelors Degree in Mathematics field, it is reguire that weighted grade avarage of a student must be at least 2.0 points out of 4.00, and that compulsory and elective courses (total 240 ECTS) in Mathematics program must be successfully completed.
Profile of The Programme
The aim of the department of Mathematics is to give quality education creating patriotic individuals with cultural experience and communicative capability, have developed ability for research and problem solving, able to guide the people around them; to provide the necessary mathematical infrastructure for the social, cultural, economical, scientific, and technological improvement of the nation and mankind by means of researches and to apply and spread the produced knowledge.
The vision of the department of Mathematics is to train graduates having basic mathematical understanding, able to offer solutions to current problems and open to continuous development; to prepare the infrastructure that will help solve the problems that the world of science is and will be encountered with by means of researches and to become a worldwide-preferred department with the program it offers.
Key Learning Outcomes & Classified & Comparative
has the ability to use the related materials about mathematics, constructed on competency, achieved in secondary education and also has the further knowledge equipment.
evaluates the concepts of mathematics science and analyzes the theorems and encountered problems by evidence based scientific methods.
has the knowledge of computer software information as a mathematician needs.
has qualifications to carry out the advanced studies independently or in partnership in undergraduate mathematics subjects.
improves the ability of abstract thinking.
has been able to communicate with colleagues and follow the topics in math science thanks to proficient foreign language skills.
creates mathematical models of the current problems.
capable of objective and analytical thinking.
has scientific and ethic assets in the phases of congregating, annotating and announcing the knowledge about mathematics.
gains skill for efficient communication using written, spoken, and visual tools.
Cognitive - Practical |
- has the knowledge of computer software information as a mathematician needs.
- evaluates the concepts of mathematics science and analyzes the theorems and encountered problems by evidence based scientific methods.
- has the ability to use the related materials about mathematics, constructed on competency, achieved in secondary education and also has the further knowledge equipment.
- gains skill for efficient communication using written, spoken, and visual tools.
- creates mathematical models of the current problems.
- has scientific and ethic assets in the phases of congregating, annotating and announcing the knowledge about mathematics.
- improves the ability of abstract thinking.
- has qualifications to carry out the advanced studies independently or in partnership in undergraduate mathematics subjects.
- capable of objective and analytical thinking.
Theoretical - Conceptual |
- improves the ability of abstract thinking.
- has the knowledge of computer software information as a mathematician needs.
- evaluates the concepts of mathematics science and analyzes the theorems and encountered problems by evidence based scientific methods.
- has qualifications to carry out the advanced studies independently or in partnership in undergraduate mathematics subjects.
- has the ability to use the related materials about mathematics, constructed on competency, achieved in secondary education and also has the further knowledge equipment.
Field Specific Competence |
- creates mathematical models of the current problems.
- capable of objective and analytical thinking.
- has the ability to use the related materials about mathematics, constructed on competency, achieved in secondary education and also has the further knowledge equipment.
- evaluates the concepts of mathematics science and analyzes the theorems and encountered problems by evidence based scientific methods.
- has scientific and ethic assets in the phases of congregating, annotating and announcing the knowledge about mathematics.
- has qualifications to carry out the advanced studies independently or in partnership in undergraduate mathematics subjects.
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility |
- capable of objective and analytical thinking.
- improves the ability of abstract thinking.
- evaluates the concepts of mathematics science and analyzes the theorems and encountered problems by evidence based scientific methods.
- has the knowledge of computer software information as a mathematician needs.
- creates mathematical models of the current problems.
- has qualifications to carry out the advanced studies independently or in partnership in undergraduate mathematics subjects.
- has scientific and ethic assets in the phases of congregating, annotating and announcing the knowledge about mathematics.
- has the ability to use the related materials about mathematics, constructed on competency, achieved in secondary education and also has the further knowledge equipment.
Communication and Social Competence |
- has scientific and ethic assets in the phases of congregating, annotating and announcing the knowledge about mathematics.
- has been able to communicate with colleagues and follow the topics in math science thanks to proficient foreign language skills.
- has qualifications to carry out the advanced studies independently or in partnership in undergraduate mathematics subjects.
- capable of objective and analytical thinking.
- evaluates the concepts of mathematics science and analyzes the theorems and encountered problems by evidence based scientific methods.
- gains skill for efficient communication using written, spoken, and visual tools.
- has the knowledge of computer software information as a mathematician needs.
- has the ability to use the related materials about mathematics, constructed on competency, achieved in secondary education and also has the further knowledge equipment.
- creates mathematical models of the current problems.
Learning Competence |
- creates mathematical models of the current problems.
- has scientific and ethic assets in the phases of congregating, annotating and announcing the knowledge about mathematics.
- capable of objective and analytical thinking.
- improves the ability of abstract thinking.
- has the ability to use the related materials about mathematics, constructed on competency, achieved in secondary education and also has the further knowledge equipment.
- evaluates the concepts of mathematics science and analyzes the theorems and encountered problems by evidence based scientific methods.
- has qualifications to carry out the advanced studies independently or in partnership in undergraduate mathematics subjects.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
The graduates of the the department can find an employment in the sectors university, education, in banks, government agencies (State Institute of Statistics, etc.) and in the private sector.
Access to Further Studies
Upon a successful completion of the programme, student may continue with masters study in the same or similar scientific areas, which may accept students from the science of Mathematics.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Students must attend courses and examinations. Students attendance has to be followed by the instructor. A mid-term exam and final exam is held for each course in each semester. In the mid-term and final exams, the grade is evaluated by the sum of 40% of the midterm exam and 60% of the final exam grade.
Graduation Requirements
To complete this program succesfully, it is reguired that weighted grade avarage of a student must be at least 2.0 points out of 4.00, and that compulsory and elective courses (total of 240 ECTS) in Mathematics program must be successfully completed.
Address and Contact Details
Program Başkanı: Prof.Dr. İ.Naci CANGÜL
Tel.: +90 224 2941756
Program Koordinatörü: Doç. Dr. Yeliz KARA ŞEN
Tel.: +90 224 2941775
Adres: Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi
Matematik Bölümü
16059 Bursa/TÜRKİYE
Department of Mathematics consists of twelve professors, five associate professors, four assistant professors, three lecturers, and three research assistants.
There are seven classrooms, a computer lab and a graduate classroom in our department.
In addition to undergraduate education, master and doctorate programs are available.
Master´s and PhD programs have been realized under the Institute of Science and Technology.
The students have the chance to make use of the exchange programs: Erasmus and Farabi.