Türkçe English Curriculum Key Learning Outcomes
Milk and Dairy Products
General Description
Brief History
Milk and Dairy Products Technology Program in Technical Science of Vocational School was opened in 1995-1996 for academic education and continued until 2006. This program continued until 2009-2010 academic year under "Food Technology" program "as Dairy Option". İKMEP adapted courses plan has been applied in Milk and Dairy Products Technology Program since the academic year of 2011-2012 .
Qualification Awarded
This program, Department of Food Processing and Dairy Products Technology and 2-year associate degree system is subject to 120 ECTS credits. Successfully completed the program, an associate degree will be offered.
Level of Qualification
Short Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements
Candidates must have high school diploma and obtained the required score in YGS2 in University Student Selection Exam or candidates can be accepted without an examination from relavant high schools to relevant departments in vocational schools.
Specific arrangements for the recognition of prior learning
The provisions in “Regulation on Transfer among Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, and Subspecialty and the Principals of Credit Transfer among Institutions in Higher Education Institutions” are applied.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
Milk and Dairy Products Technology degree program, students must obtain required and elective courses in the program (for a total of 120 ECTS) and complete successfully and graduate with at least 2.0 weighted grade point average of 4.00 in order to be eligible for the associate degree.
Profile of The Programme
The purpose of the program and Dairy Products Technology is to provide man power to work titled as "Milk Technician" with theoretical and practical knowledge about the Dairy Industry with knowledge of production and quality with milk processing, chemical and microbiological quality control, storage and marketing of dairy products, food safety and food legislation in control laboratories.
Key Learning Outcomes & Classified & Comparative
1. To be sufficient in research methods and techniques, information technologies, technological innovation, capable of organization
2. To have skill and knowledge in Dairy products production hygiene-sanitary standards in accordance with the legislation and the Turkish Food Codex
3. To be able to analyze and the ability to interpret the results of Milk and Milk Products of physical, chemical and microbiological properties
4. To have knowledge and practice in the dairy business in order to carry out the basic technological operations
5. To be capable of manufacturing techniques and application information in Milk and dairy products
6. To Implement the Quality Management System used in dairy industry.
7. To have knowledge and skills about the machines used in the dairy industry
8. To be able to use Dairy Products Quality control laboratory devices.
9. To have professional and ethical values in society
10. To run computer programs and to gain documentation and record abilities in the related field
11. To be aware of the need for lifelong learning, monitor science and technology developments and to have effort of self-renewal
12. To use of Turkish language in written and oral communication efffectively
SKILLS Cognitive - Practical
  • To be aware of the need for lifelong learning, monitor science and technology developments and to have effort of self-renewal
  • To have knowledge and practice in the dairy business in order to carry out the basic technological operations
  • To be capable of manufacturing techniques and application information in Milk and dairy products
  • To be sufficient in research methods and techniques, information technologies, technological innovation, capable of organization
  • To have knowledge and skills about the machines used in the dairy industry
  • To be able to analyze and the ability to interpret the results of Milk and Milk Products of physical, chemical and microbiological properties
  • To Implement the Quality Management System used in dairy industry.
  • To run computer programs and to gain documentation and record abilities in the related field
  • To be able to use Dairy Products Quality control laboratory devices.
  • To have skill and knowledge in Dairy products production hygiene-sanitary standards in accordance with the legislation and the Turkish Food Codex
  • To have professional and ethical values in society
  • To use of Turkish language in written and oral communication efffectively
KNOWLEDGE Theoretical - Conceptual
  • To run computer programs and to gain documentation and record abilities in the related field
  • To use of Turkish language in written and oral communication efffectively
  • To be able to use Dairy Products Quality control laboratory devices.
  • To be capable of manufacturing techniques and application information in Milk and dairy products
  • To be able to analyze and the ability to interpret the results of Milk and Milk Products of physical, chemical and microbiological properties
  • To have knowledge and skills about the machines used in the dairy industry
  • To have knowledge and practice in the dairy business in order to carry out the basic technological operations
  • To have professional and ethical values in society
  • To be aware of the need for lifelong learning, monitor science and technology developments and to have effort of self-renewal
  • To be sufficient in research methods and techniques, information technologies, technological innovation, capable of organization
  • To Implement the Quality Management System used in dairy industry.
  • To have skill and knowledge in Dairy products production hygiene-sanitary standards in accordance with the legislation and the Turkish Food Codex
COMPETENCES Field Specific Competence
  • To be sufficient in research methods and techniques, information technologies, technological innovation, capable of organization
  • To have professional and ethical values in society
  • To Implement the Quality Management System used in dairy industry.
  • To be capable of manufacturing techniques and application information in Milk and dairy products
  • To be able to analyze and the ability to interpret the results of Milk and Milk Products of physical, chemical and microbiological properties
  • To be able to use Dairy Products Quality control laboratory devices.
  • To have skill and knowledge in Dairy products production hygiene-sanitary standards in accordance with the legislation and the Turkish Food Codex
  • To run computer programs and to gain documentation and record abilities in the related field
  • To have knowledge and skills about the machines used in the dairy industry
  • To have knowledge and practice in the dairy business in order to carry out the basic technological operations
  • To be aware of the need for lifelong learning, monitor science and technology developments and to have effort of self-renewal
  • To use of Turkish language in written and oral communication efffectively
COMPETENCES Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility
  • To be sufficient in research methods and techniques, information technologies, technological innovation, capable of organization
  • To be able to analyze and the ability to interpret the results of Milk and Milk Products of physical, chemical and microbiological properties
  • To be capable of manufacturing techniques and application information in Milk and dairy products
  • To have knowledge and practice in the dairy business in order to carry out the basic technological operations
  • To run computer programs and to gain documentation and record abilities in the related field
  • To Implement the Quality Management System used in dairy industry.
  • To have knowledge and skills about the machines used in the dairy industry
  • To use of Turkish language in written and oral communication efffectively
  • To be able to use Dairy Products Quality control laboratory devices.
  • To have skill and knowledge in Dairy products production hygiene-sanitary standards in accordance with the legislation and the Turkish Food Codex
  • To be aware of the need for lifelong learning, monitor science and technology developments and to have effort of self-renewal
COMPETENCES Communication and Social Competence
  • To have knowledge and practice in the dairy business in order to carry out the basic technological operations
  • To be capable of manufacturing techniques and application information in Milk and dairy products
  • To be able to analyze and the ability to interpret the results of Milk and Milk Products of physical, chemical and microbiological properties
  • To be aware of the need for lifelong learning, monitor science and technology developments and to have effort of self-renewal
  • To use of Turkish language in written and oral communication efffectively
  • To be able to use Dairy Products Quality control laboratory devices.
  • To have professional and ethical values in society
  • To have knowledge and skills about the machines used in the dairy industry
  • To run computer programs and to gain documentation and record abilities in the related field
  • To be sufficient in research methods and techniques, information technologies, technological innovation, capable of organization
  • To Implement the Quality Management System used in dairy industry.
  • To have skill and knowledge in Dairy products production hygiene-sanitary standards in accordance with the legislation and the Turkish Food Codex
COMPETENCES Learning Competence
  • To be sufficient in research methods and techniques, information technologies, technological innovation, capable of organization
  • To have professional and ethical values in society
  • To Implement the Quality Management System used in dairy industry.
  • To be capable of manufacturing techniques and application information in Milk and dairy products
  • To be able to analyze and the ability to interpret the results of Milk and Milk Products of physical, chemical and microbiological properties
  • To run computer programs and to gain documentation and record abilities in the related field
  • To have skill and knowledge in Dairy products production hygiene-sanitary standards in accordance with the legislation and the Turkish Food Codex
  • To be able to use Dairy Products Quality control laboratory devices.
  • To be aware of the need for lifelong learning, monitor science and technology developments and to have effort of self-renewal
  • To use of Turkish language in written and oral communication efffectively
  • To have knowledge and skills about the machines used in the dairy industry
  • To have knowledge and practice in the dairy business in order to carry out the basic technological operations
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
Milk and Dairy Products Technology Program graduates can work as "Milk Technician" in the public sector (Food, Agriculture and Livestock Ministry of organizations, the Institute of Public Health, Municipalities, Provincial Health Directorates, etc.). In the private sector (dairy factories, dairies, dairy products, food additives and packaging manufacturers, food industries) , private laboratories, and their R & D and quality control laboratories.
Access to Further Studies
Upon successful completion of associate degree programs, if graduates pass the exam organized by the DGS ÖSYM (Vertical Transfer Exam), they can make a vertical transition to the 4-year degree programs such as "Food Engineering", "Chemistry", "Nutrition and Dietetics", "Dairy Technology" Departments
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
At the beginning of each semester each student must register and attend to classes at least 70%, and 80% for applications in order to take final exam. Students are subjected to for each course at least one midterm and final exam. Success grade, midterm exam (as the midterm grade homework, laboratory exams, quizzes, etc. can be evaluated in the scores obtained from measuring instruments) contributed 40% and 60% in the form of contribution to the final exam. All exams are evaluated over 100 points. Final exam are required to obtain at least 50 points. A student AA, BA, BB, CB and CC has received a letter grade, students are considered successful from that course. DC and DD notes are notes that conditionally successful. DC or DD grade in a course is considered successful If overall weighted grade point average is at least 2.0.
Graduation Requirements
The requirement to complete a program successfully is to complete all the courses available in the program (120 ETCS) with at least 2.0 overall weighted grade point average out of 4.00.
Mode of Study
Address and Contact Details
Program İletişim Adresi:
U.Ü Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Süt ve Ürünleri Teknolojisi Programı
16058/Nilüfer Bursa
Program öğretim elemanları:
Öğr.Gör.Dr.Pelin F. Akyuva
Tel:0 224 2955413
Öğr.Gör. Dr. M. Ertan Güneş
Tel: 0 224 2942364/2942308
e-mail: egunes@uludag.edu.tr
Öğr. Gör. Hakan Sönmez
Tel: 0 224 2940924
Three instructors two of them with Ph.D degrees work in Milk and Dairy Products Technology Program of Technical Science of Vocational School. Students are provided with theoretical knowledge and application in laboratories of Milk processing and quality control of department of Food Processing. Our department is located in the main campus and benefit from dormitories, library, health, cultural center, art and sport centers.
Bologna İletişim
Mail : bologna@uludag.edu.tr
Tasarım & Kodlama
Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı © 2015