Türkçe English Curriculum Key Learning Outcomes
Agricultural Economics
General Description
Brief History
Department of Agricultural Economics was established in 1985. The department started to offer undergraduate study (Bachelor of Science) in academic year 1993-1994. It started to offer programs of graduate study leading to Master of Science (M.Sc.) in 1986 and Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in 1993. Department of Agricultural Economics has two main divisions as Agricultural Management, and Agricultural Policies and Extension.
Qualification Awarded
Agricultural Economics program is subjected to 240 ECTS credits system in higher education. The Doctorate (Ph. D.) Degree in Agricultural Economics Program is awarded to the graduates who have successfully completed all courses in the curriculum.
Level of Qualification
Third Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements
Master school certificate is required. Application to the PD program with master certificate depends on conformity condition of PHD. Candidates’ must have science base ALES score determined by Uludag University Senate. Students must have UDS, KPDS, TOEFL or equivalent examinations accepted by YOK whose minimum score determined by Senate in languages of English, German, French, Italian, Russian and Arabic, for foreign students in English, German, French languages. UU Senate decides the Equivalence of other foreign language documents. For foreign candidates, Turkish competency given by TOMER and ALES exam results or GRE, GMAT and other exams which are accepted by YOK in international level.
Specific arrangements for the recognition of prior learning
The provisions in “Regulation on Transfer among Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, and Subspecialty and the Principals of Credit Transfer among Institutions in Higher Education Institutions” are applied.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
The program consists a total of 24-30 local credits, a qualifying examination, thesis proposal, thesis and dissertation defense. Graduate courses consists of compulsory and elective courses in graduate courses. Program has total credits of 180-240 ECTS. In order to be successful in the courses concerned students should at least have 75 points out of 100. Also should attend courses that are mandatory but non credit which are Development and Learning, Instructional Planning and Evaluation and Research Methods. Students who meet the relevant conditions are awarded with a Doctorate in Agricultural Economics.
Profile of The Programme
The basic tasks of Agricultural Economics Department are to analyze the systems, which include production, consumption and distribution, supplying inputs regarding agricultural goods and services, ensure management of natural resources through principles of Economics and train individuals who think contemporary and analytically by schooling and research. Furthermore, contributing to science and technology in related field and transferring owned knowledge to practice are also among the basic tasks of Agricultural Economics Department. In this context, in order to train individuals who have been equipped with contemporary knowledge and skills, who knows the economic problems in agriculture, agricultural businesses, especially food industry, natural resources and environment, who can produce scientific solutions to these problems, is the main target of Agricultural Economics Department by carrying out undergraduate and graduate education.
Key Learning Outcomes & Classified & Comparative
1. To contribute to the field by researching in theory and practice with an interdisciplinary understanding and ensuring the publication of these researches in national and international settings.
2. To benefit from the research funding and opportunities, which the public and other sources provide, effectively and rationally.
3. Acquisition of integrated approaches to topics and recognizing of concepts regarding general and agriculture economics
4. Acquisition of learning the ways of increasing the productivity by practicing main principles of economics into agriculture
5. Skill of productive and more efficient management of agribusiness
6. Skill of recognizing, analyzing and resolving the issues
7. Ability of creation, assessment and practicing of projects
8. Skill of recognizing producer organizations and making new organizations
9. Ability of participation to interdisciplinary team-work
10. Acquisition of increasing knowledge and skills in social area with capacity of becoming a leader
11. To be able to take part in team-work and undertake individual responsibility when needed as economists who have trade, societal and ethical merits with required scientific formation
12. To be able to use Turkish Language efficiently in written and verbal communication; to have knowledge of foreign language in order for exploring international scientific literature regarding his/her topic
SKILLS Cognitive - Practical
  • Skill of recognizing, analyzing and resolving the issues
  • Skill of recognizing producer organizations and making new organizations
  • Acquisition of integrated approaches to topics and recognizing of concepts regarding general and agriculture economics
  • Acquisition of learning the ways of increasing the productivity by practicing main principles of economics into agriculture
  • To benefit from the research funding and opportunities, which the public and other sources provide, effectively and rationally.
  • To be able to take part in team-work and undertake individual responsibility when needed as economists who have trade, societal and ethical merits with required scientific formation
  • Ability of creation, assessment and practicing of projects
  • Skill of productive and more efficient management of agribusiness
  • Ability of participation to interdisciplinary team-work
  • Acquisition of increasing knowledge and skills in social area with capacity of becoming a leader
  • To contribute to the field by researching in theory and practice with an interdisciplinary understanding and ensuring the publication of these researches in national and international settings.
  • To be able to use Turkish Language efficiently in written and verbal communication; to have knowledge of foreign language in order for exploring international scientific literature regarding his/her topic
KNOWLEDGE Theoretical - Conceptual
  • To be able to use Turkish Language efficiently in written and verbal communication; to have knowledge of foreign language in order for exploring international scientific literature regarding his/her topic
  • Ability of participation to interdisciplinary team-work
  • To contribute to the field by researching in theory and practice with an interdisciplinary understanding and ensuring the publication of these researches in national and international settings.
  • Acquisition of increasing knowledge and skills in social area with capacity of becoming a leader
  • Ability of creation, assessment and practicing of projects
  • Skill of productive and more efficient management of agribusiness
  • Skill of recognizing producer organizations and making new organizations
  • Acquisition of learning the ways of increasing the productivity by practicing main principles of economics into agriculture
  • Skill of recognizing, analyzing and resolving the issues
  • Acquisition of integrated approaches to topics and recognizing of concepts regarding general and agriculture economics
  • To benefit from the research funding and opportunities, which the public and other sources provide, effectively and rationally.
  • To be able to take part in team-work and undertake individual responsibility when needed as economists who have trade, societal and ethical merits with required scientific formation
COMPETENCES Field Specific Competence
  • Skill of recognizing producer organizations and making new organizations
  • To contribute to the field by researching in theory and practice with an interdisciplinary understanding and ensuring the publication of these researches in national and international settings.
  • To benefit from the research funding and opportunities, which the public and other sources provide, effectively and rationally.
  • Skill of recognizing, analyzing and resolving the issues
  • Acquisition of increasing knowledge and skills in social area with capacity of becoming a leader
  • To be able to use Turkish Language efficiently in written and verbal communication; to have knowledge of foreign language in order for exploring international scientific literature regarding his/her topic
  • Ability of creation, assessment and practicing of projects
  • Acquisition of learning the ways of increasing the productivity by practicing main principles of economics into agriculture
  • Ability of participation to interdisciplinary team-work
  • Acquisition of integrated approaches to topics and recognizing of concepts regarding general and agriculture economics
  • Skill of productive and more efficient management of agribusiness
  • To be able to take part in team-work and undertake individual responsibility when needed as economists who have trade, societal and ethical merits with required scientific formation
COMPETENCES Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility
  • To contribute to the field by researching in theory and practice with an interdisciplinary understanding and ensuring the publication of these researches in national and international settings.
  • Acquisition of integrated approaches to topics and recognizing of concepts regarding general and agriculture economics
  • To be able to take part in team-work and undertake individual responsibility when needed as economists who have trade, societal and ethical merits with required scientific formation
  • Ability of creation, assessment and practicing of projects
  • Skill of productive and more efficient management of agribusiness
  • To benefit from the research funding and opportunities, which the public and other sources provide, effectively and rationally.
  • Acquisition of learning the ways of increasing the productivity by practicing main principles of economics into agriculture
  • Skill of recognizing, analyzing and resolving the issues
  • Ability of participation to interdisciplinary team-work
  • Acquisition of increasing knowledge and skills in social area with capacity of becoming a leader
COMPETENCES Communication and Social Competence
  • To contribute to the field by researching in theory and practice with an interdisciplinary understanding and ensuring the publication of these researches in national and international settings.
  • Acquisition of learning the ways of increasing the productivity by practicing main principles of economics into agriculture
  • Skill of recognizing, analyzing and resolving the issues
  • Ability of participation to interdisciplinary team-work
  • Acquisition of increasing knowledge and skills in social area with capacity of becoming a leader
  • Acquisition of integrated approaches to topics and recognizing of concepts regarding general and agriculture economics
  • To benefit from the research funding and opportunities, which the public and other sources provide, effectively and rationally.
  • To be able to take part in team-work and undertake individual responsibility when needed as economists who have trade, societal and ethical merits with required scientific formation
  • Skill of recognizing producer organizations and making new organizations
  • To be able to use Turkish Language efficiently in written and verbal communication; to have knowledge of foreign language in order for exploring international scientific literature regarding his/her topic
  • Skill of productive and more efficient management of agribusiness
COMPETENCES Learning Competence
  • To contribute to the field by researching in theory and practice with an interdisciplinary understanding and ensuring the publication of these researches in national and international settings.
  • Acquisition of learning the ways of increasing the productivity by practicing main principles of economics into agriculture
  • Acquisition of integrated approaches to topics and recognizing of concepts regarding general and agriculture economics
  • To benefit from the research funding and opportunities, which the public and other sources provide, effectively and rationally.
  • Skill of recognizing, analyzing and resolving the issues
  • Skill of productive and more efficient management of agribusiness
  • Acquisition of increasing knowledge and skills in social area with capacity of becoming a leader
  • Ability of creation, assessment and practicing of projects
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
Food industry (public, private, cooperatives and units Banking and insurance sector Institutions related to agriculture Private farms, green houses and animal husbandry farms Industry of irrigation equipment and agricultural machinery Agricultural input marketing firms (agricultural chemicals and supermarkets etc.) Agricultural production marketing firms (wholesalers, traders etc.) Consulting firms Expertise of property assessment (authority) Preparation and assessment of agricultural and food project
Access to Further Studies
Graduates who successfully completed Master degree may apply to both in the same or related disciplines in higher education institutions at home or abroad to get a position in academic staff or to governmental R&D centers to get expert position.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Each student must attend to 70 percent of regular courses and 80 percent of practical courses in order to register to courses at the beginning of per semester and able to take final exams. The students are a final exam for each course. Furthermore, they are exposed to a practical exam in practical courses. All exams are assessed on 100-point- scale. It is required to achieve at least 75 points from final exam. The students having one of the grades of AA, BA, CB and CC are accepted successful from the course.
Graduation Requirements
Students must successfully pass all compulsory and elective courses on the program (equivalent to a total of 180-240 ECTS) mentioned in about “Qualification Requirements and Regulations”. And who have successfully completed all courses in the curriculum will be given The Master Degree in Agricultural Economics Program.
Mode of Study
Address and Contact Details
Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü Görükle 16059
Nilüfer Bursa. Tel: 224 2941589
A total of 7 academicians, 1 Lecturer and 2 Research Assistants in the Agricultural Economics Department. 4 Professors, 1 Assistant Professor, 1 Lecturer and 1 Research Assistant in the Agricultural Management Division, 1 Professor, 1 Associate Professor, 1 Doctor Research Assistant in the Agricultural Policy and Extension Division
There is a library for department students in the Department of Agricultural Economics. There are desktop computers and a projector available to students in the library.
Bologna İletişim
Mail : bologna@uludag.edu.tr
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Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı © 2015