Türkçe English Curriculum Key Learning Outcomes
Plant Protection
General Description
Brief History
The Department of Plant Protection was established in 1981.as a part of Agricultural Faculty of Uludag University. The curriculum includes training and teaching activities at the departmental level offering BSc, MSc and PhD programmes. Plant Protection Programme consists of two main disciplines, Entomology and Phytopathology. The Entomology subdivision is involved in research on the identification and biology of insect pests, mites and nematodes of agricultural crops as well as the development of sustainable control methods against them using integrated pest management. The Phytopathology subdivision focuses on biotic (fungi, viruses, bacteria, etc.) and abiotic factors that cause plant diseases and the alternative, novel ways of controlling them.
Plant Protection Programme is currently composed of 4 Professor, 3 Associate Professors, 1 Assistant Professor and 4 Research Assistants.
Qualification Awarded
Plant Protection Undergraduate Education Programme comprises a minimum of 240 ECTS credits and sixth stage degree system in higher education. Graduates, who have successfully completed all courses in the curriculum, will be awarded a Bachelor´s Degree (B.Sc.) degree with a major in Plant Protection.
Level of Qualification
First Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements
Candidates must have high school diploma and acquired enough points in National Undergraduate Placement Exam.
Specific arrangements for the recognition of prior learning
The provisions in “Regulation on Transfer among Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, and Subspecialty and the Principals of Credit Transfer among Institutions in Higher Education Institutions” are applied.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
Students should have obtained a grade point average of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 and successfully passed all compulsory and elective courses on the programme (equivalent to a total of 240 ECTS). Graduates, who have successfully completed all courses in the curriculum, will be awarded a Bachelor´s Degree (B.Sc.) degree with a major in Plant Protection.
Profile of The Programme
The objectives of Bachelor Degree programme in Plant Protection are; to provide theoretical knowledge and to give practical training to undergraduate students on agriculturally important diseases and pests, biology and ecology of pathogens and pests, host-pathogen interactions pesticides and their effects in the environment, mechanical, cultural, chemical, biological, biotechnological control and integrated pest management for pathogens and pests, to provide qualified employee needs of the private and public agricultural industry for crop protection; to upgrade technical information with new developments in order to solve urban pest problems, which are harmful to people and their property in urban settings, detection and analysis of pest and pathogen problems in organic and conventional agricultural crops and stored products, to conduct basic and applied scientific research in these areas to enable them to solve important agricultural problems.
Key Learning Outcomes & Classified & Comparative
1. Students should be able to; apply knowledge and principles of basic sciences and engineering to the problems of plant protection,
2. To learn about systematics, morphological, biological, ecological and epidemiological information about diseases, pests and weeds that cause the loss of the crop at every stage of production,
3. To become familiar with agricultural management control methods and their use in control of plant diseases, pests and weeds in cultivated agricultural crops,
4. To have experience with urban entomological problems, which are important to human health care in cities.
5. To be able to diagnose and identify plant diseases, insect, mite or nematode pests or weeds that cause economical losses in stored crops and products,
6. To be able to use pesticides safely and effectively and informed about their hazardous non-target effects on the environment and human health.
7. To learn plant protection products and their practice in organic agriculture,
8. To participate in professional fairs, meetings and events to improve their knowledge on Plant Protection science and technological advances,
9. To obtain necessary qualifications and background to implement crop protection programmes to satisfy the requirements of the private and public agricultural industries,
10. To develop the ability to use his/her knowledge for emerging situations,
11. To gain required professional knowledge, social ethics and scientific formations about plant protection so that they can become a good team worker with responsibility.
12. To have good written and oral scientific communications in Turkish; to be able to search international literature about his/her field of interest and to have basic communication skills in at least one foreign language.
SKILLS Cognitive - Practical
  • To have experience with urban entomological problems, which are important to human health care in cities.
  • To develop the ability to use his/her knowledge for emerging situations,
  • To be able to diagnose and identify plant diseases, insect, mite or nematode pests or weeds that cause economical losses in stored crops and products,
  • To obtain necessary qualifications and background to implement crop protection programmes to satisfy the requirements of the private and public agricultural industries,
  • To participate in professional fairs, meetings and events to improve their knowledge on Plant Protection science and technological advances,
  • To be able to use pesticides safely and effectively and informed about their hazardous non-target effects on the environment and human health.
  • To learn about systematics, morphological, biological, ecological and epidemiological information about diseases, pests and weeds that cause the loss of the crop at every stage of production,
  • To learn plant protection products and their practice in organic agriculture,
  • To become familiar with agricultural management control methods and their use in control of plant diseases, pests and weeds in cultivated agricultural crops,
  • Students should be able to; apply knowledge and principles of basic sciences and engineering to the problems of plant protection,
KNOWLEDGE Theoretical - Conceptual
  • To become familiar with agricultural management control methods and their use in control of plant diseases, pests and weeds in cultivated agricultural crops,
  • Students should be able to; apply knowledge and principles of basic sciences and engineering to the problems of plant protection,
  • To have experience with urban entomological problems, which are important to human health care in cities.
  • To learn plant protection products and their practice in organic agriculture,
  • To be able to use pesticides safely and effectively and informed about their hazardous non-target effects on the environment and human health.
  • To learn about systematics, morphological, biological, ecological and epidemiological information about diseases, pests and weeds that cause the loss of the crop at every stage of production,
  • To be able to diagnose and identify plant diseases, insect, mite or nematode pests or weeds that cause economical losses in stored crops and products,
  • To obtain necessary qualifications and background to implement crop protection programmes to satisfy the requirements of the private and public agricultural industries,
  • To participate in professional fairs, meetings and events to improve their knowledge on Plant Protection science and technological advances,
COMPETENCES Field Specific Competence
  • To develop the ability to use his/her knowledge for emerging situations,
  • Students should be able to; apply knowledge and principles of basic sciences and engineering to the problems of plant protection,
  • To have good written and oral scientific communications in Turkish; to be able to search international literature about his/her field of interest and to have basic communication skills in at least one foreign language.
  • To learn about systematics, morphological, biological, ecological and epidemiological information about diseases, pests and weeds that cause the loss of the crop at every stage of production,
  • To be able to diagnose and identify plant diseases, insect, mite or nematode pests or weeds that cause economical losses in stored crops and products,
  • To participate in professional fairs, meetings and events to improve their knowledge on Plant Protection science and technological advances,
  • To become familiar with agricultural management control methods and their use in control of plant diseases, pests and weeds in cultivated agricultural crops,
  • To gain required professional knowledge, social ethics and scientific formations about plant protection so that they can become a good team worker with responsibility.
  • To be able to use pesticides safely and effectively and informed about their hazardous non-target effects on the environment and human health.
  • To learn plant protection products and their practice in organic agriculture,
  • To have experience with urban entomological problems, which are important to human health care in cities.
COMPETENCES Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility
  • To obtain necessary qualifications and background to implement crop protection programmes to satisfy the requirements of the private and public agricultural industries,
  • To gain required professional knowledge, social ethics and scientific formations about plant protection so that they can become a good team worker with responsibility.
  • To learn plant protection products and their practice in organic agriculture,
  • To be able to use pesticides safely and effectively and informed about their hazardous non-target effects on the environment and human health.
  • To develop the ability to use his/her knowledge for emerging situations,
  • To participate in professional fairs, meetings and events to improve their knowledge on Plant Protection science and technological advances,
COMPETENCES Communication and Social Competence
  • To participate in professional fairs, meetings and events to improve their knowledge on Plant Protection science and technological advances,
  • To be able to use pesticides safely and effectively and informed about their hazardous non-target effects on the environment and human health.
  • To have good written and oral scientific communications in Turkish; to be able to search international literature about his/her field of interest and to have basic communication skills in at least one foreign language.
  • To gain required professional knowledge, social ethics and scientific formations about plant protection so that they can become a good team worker with responsibility.
  • To develop the ability to use his/her knowledge for emerging situations,
  • To obtain necessary qualifications and background to implement crop protection programmes to satisfy the requirements of the private and public agricultural industries,
  • To have experience with urban entomological problems, which are important to human health care in cities.
  • To learn plant protection products and their practice in organic agriculture,
COMPETENCES Learning Competence
  • To have good written and oral scientific communications in Turkish; to be able to search international literature about his/her field of interest and to have basic communication skills in at least one foreign language.
  • To develop the ability to use his/her knowledge for emerging situations,
  • To be able to use pesticides safely and effectively and informed about their hazardous non-target effects on the environment and human health.
  • To learn plant protection products and their practice in organic agriculture,
  • To become familiar with agricultural management control methods and their use in control of plant diseases, pests and weeds in cultivated agricultural crops,
  • To be able to diagnose and identify plant diseases, insect, mite or nematode pests or weeds that cause economical losses in stored crops and products,
  • To participate in professional fairs, meetings and events to improve their knowledge on Plant Protection science and technological advances,
  • To have experience with urban entomological problems, which are important to human health care in cities.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
Public Institutions; Provincial/District Directorates of Agriculture, Municipal Departments of Parks, Gardens and Green Fields, Ankara Directorate of Plant Protection Central Research Institute, İstanbul Agricultural Quarantine Directorate, ,İzmir, Agricultural Quarantine Directorate, Bornova Plant Protection Research Station, Provincial Control Laboratory Directorates etc. Companies of Agricultural Chemicals; Bayer CropScience, Hektaş, Sygenta, Basf, Sumitomo Chemical, DuPont, Koruma Şirketler Grubu, AgroBest Grup Tarım İlaçları, Doğal Kimyevi Maddeler ve Zirai İlaçlar, Safa Tarım, Doğa Tarım, Agro Kimya etc. Environmental Health Services; Sistem Pest Control, National Britannia Environmental Health Services, Uzman Pest Control, Kutlu Pest Control and landscaping, Prestij Mühendislik Pest Control, Garanti Pest Control, Çağdaş Pest Control, Gezer Şirketler Grubu Pest Control, Zafer Mühendislik Pest Control etc. Firms of Biotechnical Control Products; Agromed Organic Microbial Fertilizer and Industrial Chemicals Ltd., Kimagro Chemicals and Pesticides, GürAgro Bioglobal Agricultural Consultancy, SMC Chemicals Ltd etc. Firms of Seeds, Saplings and Seedlings; MayAgro Tohumculuk, Grow Fide, Agromar, Alara Fidan, Masterplant Fide, Monsanto Gıda, Agro-Tan Tohumculuk, Smyrna Tohumculuk, Ocak Fidancılık, Can Fidancılık, Akkuş Fidancılık, Gözde Fidancılık, Fides İç ve Dış Ticaret etc. Pesticide Residue Analysis Laboratories; Provincial Control Laboratory Directorates,, Bursa Food Control and Central Research Institute, City & Country Farmers´ Markets, Muğla Food Quality Control System Laboratory, TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center etc. Firms of Organic Farming; Kapar Organic Agriculture, Alyattes Organic Agriculture, Ziya Organic Agriculture, Elta-Ada Gökçeada Farming Facility, Işık Agricultural Products, Cıngıllı Organic Agriculture, Çukurova Organic Agriculture, Ares Organic Agriculture etc. Firms of Biological Control Products; Koppert Turkey, Boyut Foreign Trading Company, Verim Group, Agrikem Pesticides Company etc.
Access to Further Studies
The graduates holding Bachelor´s Degree are eligible to apply for Master´s Degree programmes at the national level and /or international level both in same and in related disciplines.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Students of Plant Protection programme are graded according to the following guidelines. Each course is assessed via a midterm exam. Exam dates are announced by the office of the dean. Additional exams for internships, practices etc. may be held. In order to enter final examination, students must meet following requirements: Enrollment for the current semester; 1. %70 attendance of courses 2. %80 attendance of practices 3. Attendance of midterm exam The student is given a grade by the course instructor by taking into account the midterm examinations, final examinations, the semesters work and attendance. The Nominative Grade is found by adding fourty percent of the average of the midterm exam and sixty percent of the final exam grade. All exams are evaluated over 100 points. Final exam are required to obtain at least 50 points. A student AA, BA, BB, CB and CC has received a letter grade, students are considered successful from that course. DC and DD notes are notes that conditionally successful. DC or DD grade in a course where the student overall weighted grade point average must be at least 2.00 to pass.
Graduation Requirements
Students must obtain a grade point average of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 and successfully pass all compulsory and elective courses on the programme (equivalent to a total of 240 ECTS). And who have successfully completed all courses in the curriculum will be given The Bachelor´s Degree in Plant Protection Programme. Students must also complete their 45 day obligatory internship.
Mode of Study
Address and Contact Details
Bölüm Başkanı: Prof. Dr. İsmail Alper SUSURLUK
Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü, Görükle Kampüsü, Nilüfer-BURSA
Tel: 0 224 294 1579
Plant Protection Department is currently composed of 5 Professors, 2 Associate Professors, 1 Assistant Professor and 1 Research Assistant.
One Phytopathology Laboratory, one Entomology Laboratory, one Acarology and Toxicology Laboratory, one Nematology Laboratory, one Postharvest Diseases Laboratory, one Student Laboratory, three Cold Storage rooms, five Climate Chambers and one Insect Museum.
Bologna İletişim
Mail : bologna@uludag.edu.tr
Tasarım & Kodlama
Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı © 2015