Türkçe English Curriculum Key Learning Outcomes
Agricultural Structures and Irrigation
General Description
Brief History
"Agricultural Structures and Irrigation" Department of Agricultural Faculty of Uludag University was officially established in 1984 with the name of Kulturtechnik. Graduate programs were initiated in 1985 under the name of department. The name of the department was changed as "Agricultural Structures and Irrigation" by Turkish Council of Higher Education (YÖK) in 1991.
Agricultural Structures and Irrigation Sub-Program of Agricultural Engineering Program is a major engineering program deals with the measures with long-term impacts which ensure the development of farms in terms of structural and physical aspects. Program also considers sustainable use and development of soil and water resources and design, development, and construction of essential structures and facilities in setting favorable environmental conditions for each step of agricultural production.
Major studying fields can be divided into two minors: Water Resources (Irrigation-Drainage) and Agricultural Structures-Environmental Control.
Qualification Awarded
This program is subject to the second stage degree system in the field of Agricultural Structures and Irrigation in higher education. The master science program consists minimum seven courses, not less than 21 credit hours (90 ECTS) and not more than 28 credit hours (120 ECTS), two seminars in course and dissertation stages and write and defend a Master´s thesis. Successfully completed the program, met the program qualifications to become a master´s degree in Agricultural Structures and Irrigation.
Level of Qualification
Second Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements
To apply for a graduate program with thesis in the field of Agricultural Structures and Irrigation; a. Provided a Bachelor´s degree and an ALES score determined by Senate b. English, German, French, foreign languages, such as one, UDS, KPDS, TOEFL, or equivalent examinations accepted by Higher Education Council, or by the Uludag University School of Foreign Languages must have a minimum score of foreign language determined by the Senate. The Senate will decide equivalence of foreign language documents other than foreign languages in above. c. The international candidates must have Turkish competency issued by TOMER and about the ALES score or GRE, GMAT result certificate which decided equivalence in international level by Turkish Council of Higher Education.
Specific arrangements for the recognition of prior learning
The provisions in “Regulation on Transfer among Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, and Subspecialty and the Principals of Credit Transfer among Institutions in Higher Education Institutions” are applied.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
To obtain Master´s degree in Agricultural Structures and Irrigation field it is required to successfully complete minimum seven courses, not less than 21 credit hours (90 ECTS) and not more than 28 credit hours (120 ECTS), two seminars in course and dissertation stages and write and defend a Master´s thesis, have a minimum GPA of 2.00/4.00 and no letter grades lower than CC.
Profile of The Programme
The MSc Agricultural Structures and Irrigation program aims at educating professionals who will be experts in their field, who are dynamic, culturally engaged, active, research-oriented and capable of finding solutions to present and future problems in Agricultural Structures and Irrigation field.
Master´s program is a total of six semesters with course work in two semesters. This Program fits Uludag University, Graduate Education and Training Regulations.
Key Learning Outcomes & Classified & Comparative
1. Design, carry out and finalize independently a research process on an original topic along with enhancement and deepening of his/her knowledge based on the competences they have acquired in undergraduate studies
2. Improve knowledge in the area of interest using scientific methods and limited data, and use it with scientific, social and ethical responsibility
3. Construct independently a problem in the area of interest, develop a solution procedure, solve and interpret the results, and implement them if required
4. Disseminate contemporary developments in the area of interest and the results of their own studies to specialist or non-specialist groups in written, oral and visual form systematically
5. Improve new strategical approaches and produce solutions by taking responsibility in unanticipated complex situations during professional activities and projects
6. Develop strategies, politics and implementation plans in their area of interest and interpret the results within the framework of quality processes
7. Communicate in written and oral form in at least one foreign language
8. Use and develop informatics and communication technologies together with software requirements and knowledge within the area of interest
9. Comply with social, scientific and ethical values during data collection, interpretation and publication processes
10. Acquire the ability to create new data, make designs using the methods of scientific research and resolve problems that require expertise by integrating information from different disciplinary areas
11. Acquire the ability to use the expertise in the field-level institutional and practical information design and apply analytical, modeling and experimental-based research and also solve and interpret complex situations encountered in the process
12. Acquire the ability to investigate the social relations and norms related to the field with a critical perspective and to examine them by taking into account dimensions of environmental change and when needed, take action to change them
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
Agricultural Structures and Irrigation program is very broad fields of study of graduating students. Graduates as teaching staff can teach course and can do research in universities. In addition, students who graduated from master´s program will be employed in public institutions (Provincial Administration, State Hydraulic Works (DSI), Food, Agriculture and Livestock Ministry and Environment and Urban Development Ministry, municipalities and etc.), Land Consolidation Construction Companies, Agricultural Consultancy Organizations, Agricultural Cooperatives, Public and Private Banks, Irrigation and Drainage Construction Companies, Engineering and Consultancy Bureau, Technology Development Zones, Agricultural Construction Companies, Agriculture-based International Companies, Large Agricultural Operations.
Access to Further Studies
Graduate students with sufficient ALES score and sufficient knowledge of foreign language may apply to doctorate programs in any field or proficiency in fine arts programs.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Every student must register for each class at the beginning of each semester and must be continued at least 70% of the lecture course and at least 80% of the recitation course to get final exam. Students are subjected to minimum one exam at the end of the semester for each course. All exams are evaluated over 100 points. The final exam is required to obtain at least 70 points for the master´s program. A course in the graduate program of AA, BA, BB, CB and CC has received a letter grade, students are considered successful from that course.
Graduation Requirements
In order to obtain a master´s degree in Agricultural Structures and Irrigation field, it is required to successfully complete minimum seven courses, not less than 21 credit hours (90 ECTS) and not more than 28 credit hours (120 ECTS), two seminars in course and dissertation stages and write and defend a Master´s thesis, have a minimum GPA of 2.00/4.00 and no letter grades lower than CC.
Mode of Study
Address and Contact Details
Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Biyosistem Mühendisliği Bölümü 16059 BURSA
Tel: 0-224-2941616
Fax: 0-224-4428775
E-posta: aodemir@uludag.edu.tr
In the department of Agricultural Structures and Irrigation, 8 Faculty, a Lecturer and 4 Research Assistant are employed as full-time. Agricultural Structures and Irrigation program have 2 laboratories, 1 project classroom and 1 workshop. Also, if needed, the 18 classrooms, 2 computer labs and 1 drawing classroom located at Agriculture Faculty are used.
3. Semester
Course Code Course Title Type of Course T1 U2 L3 ECTS
TYS5173 SEMINAR Compulsory 0 2 0 5
TYS5193 DISSERTATION STUDY I Compulsory 0 1 0 20
Total 30
4. Semester
Course Code Course Title Type of Course T1 U2 L3 ECTS
Total 30
Bologna İletişim
Mail : bologna@uludag.edu.tr
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