Türkçe English Curriculum Key Learning Outcomes
international Relations (English)
General Description
Brief History
The Department of International Relations, that was established as a part of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Uludag University and began to receive bachelor students in 1982, has thousands of graduates today. The aims of the Department; in which there are three minors, international relatiions, international law and political history, are to comprehend the issues in international politics by giving special emphasis to Turkish foreign policy, to grasp Turkey´s national interests, and to enlighten scientists and public opinion in this direction.
Parallel to the enlargement in the meaning of international relations together with the globalization process, the program of the Department is being continuously updated. In this sense, the students are provided with the necessary abilities for their carrier plans both by compulsory and selective courses.
Qualification Awarded
Department of International Relations is subject to 240 ECTS credits in the fields of international relations science. When the program is completed successfully and program´s qualifications are met, Bachelor degree is achieved in the field of international relations.
Level of Qualification
Specific Admission Requirements
Candidates have to have a high school diploma or its equivalent, and get an adequate score at University Entrance Exam.
Specific arrangements for the recognition of prior learning
The provisions in “Regulation on Transfer among Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, and Subspecialty and the Principals of Credit Transfer among Institutions in Higher Education Institutions” are applied.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
Students should fulfill 240 ECTS which has been predetermined at department programme including must and elective courses. In addition, Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) must be at least 2.00/4.00 to earn Bachelor´s degree from international relations.
Profile of The Programme
The members of the department have devoted their selves to educate patriotic individuals who have global concerns, equipped with modern knowledge and culture; have abilities in communicating, researching, analyzing, coping with the problems, have leadership features, making research and have a duty to transfer the findings to the people in global standards. In this sense, the students are provided with the necessary abilities for their carrier plans both by compulsory and selective courses
Key Learning Outcomes & Classified & Comparative
1. Being able to comprehend the basic concepts and theoretical knowledge in the field of international relations and grasp their details.
2. Having the knowledge of international relations, diplomatic history, law, international law, economics, public administration, management and accounting required in a qualified employee who is demanded by the public and private sectors and being able to utilize this knowledge.
3. Analyzing and evaluating hypothetical knowledge as well as offering solutions in the field of international relations.
4. Taking responsibility in studies related to the field of international relations and being able to arrange and independently conduct such studies.
5. Being able to offer and share alternative solutions in the field of international relations with awareness for lifelong learning and critical thinking.
6. Being able to evaluate the knowledge that is acquired during the education period through building cause-effect relations; being able to foresee what kind of knowledge is required in which situation (where and when) and why.
7. Being able to share theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of international relations and translate them into teamwork activities.
8. Having competence of written and verbal communication in Turkish; being able to speak a foreign language at a level to exchange ideas on the field of international relations.
9. Being conscious about the social, scientific and professional ethics; being open to change and new ideas.
10. Being able to present opinions as to current issues in international relations, to enhance them as well as to use them in interpreting events.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
Graduates, who have successfully completed undergraduate degree, providing at least minimum acceptable ALES (Academic Personnel and Postgraduate Education Entrance Exam) score and have a sufficient command on a foreign language, may apply to graduate programmes in Turkey or abroad.
Access to Further Studies
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
It is applied that 32 clauses education of associate degree and bachelor program regulations by making BUÜ senate decision.
Graduation Requirements
Department of International Relations is subject to 240 ECTS credits in the fields of international relations science. When the program is completed successfully and program´s qualifications are met, Bachelor degree is achieved in the field of international relations.
Mode of Study
Address and Contact Details
Uludağ Üniversitesi
İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü
16 059 Görükle Kampüsü, Nilüfer-BURSA
Bölüm Başkanı: Prof. Dr. Tayyar ARI
Tel: 0 224 294 10 52
Faks: 0 224 294 11 72
E-posta: atayyar@uludag.edu.tr
Bologna Koordinatörü: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Samet Yılmaz
E-posta: sametyilmaz@uludag.edu.tr
Erasmus Koordinatörü: Doç.Dr. Kader Özlem
Farabi Koordinatörü: Doç.Dr. Mehmet Mustafa Halil Bektaş
E-posta: mhmbektas@uludag.edu.tr
Mevlana Koordinatörü: Doç.Dr. Mehmet Mustafa Halil Bektaş
E-posta: mhmbektas@uludag.edu.tr
Education language is Turkish in the Department. A library, reading room, and a computer lab is avaible for students´ use. Students have the opportunity of studying at contracting universities during at most two semesters within the Erasmus and Farabi programmes.
In the Department, at present there are seven professors, four associate professors, three assistant professors, seven research assistants, and five project assistants on duty.
Bologna İletişim
Mail : bologna@uludag.edu.tr
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