Medical Laboratory Techniques
General Description
Medical Laboratory Techniques program started to major in 1985 at the associate degree.
Upon successful completion along with the program´s qualifications of the program, (the 5th level) Associate degree is given in the field of Medical Laboratory Techniques.
Short Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements
Entry to the Medical Laboratory Techniques program is made with the score of the Higher Education Institutions Examination (YKS) conducted by the Measurement, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM). Student quota is 74. If the quota remains open, ÖSYM accepts students through Additional Placement according to the results of the TYT score type.
Specific arrangements for the recognition of prior learning
The provisions in “Regulation on Transfer among Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, and Subspecialty and the Principals of Credit Transfer among Institutions in Higher Education Institutions” are applied.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
In order to have an associate degree upon completion of the Medical Laboratory Techniques program, the students at the program must complete all of the subjects which are compulsory and elective (equal to 121 AKTS in total) and have a general weighted grade average of at least 2.00 out of 4.00.
Profile of The Programme
The aim of the program is to train health technicians who in the shortest time perform every examination to diagnose and treat the diseases, and have the qualifications to produce the correct solutions to the problems encountered, and have self-confidence, and implement their work in teams according to professional ethics by taking safety precautions about laboratory, environment and human health, and have improved communication skills, and can work proper to the country conditions. The program´s period of study is four semesters (including internship) The internship lasts 30 work days at the end of the fourth semester.
Key Learning Outcomes & Classified & Comparative
Professionally evaluate and apply the knowledge gained through the theoretical and applied courses which are at the base level aided with course books, application tools and other resources in the field of Medical Laboratory Techniques.
Have the necessary knowledge and skills about taking, preserving and transferring biological materials for the medical laboratory tests from the patient.
Perform pre-analysis preparation processes, prepare preparatives, apply disinfection and sterilization techniques.
Apply basic tests in various fields of medical laboratory, prepare analysis solutions.
Have theoretical and practical skills about the preparation of solutions for the tests to be made in laboratory.
Use laboratory tools and gadgets according to the rules and techniques, make them work with the most efficiency by controlling and maintaining.
Make work organizations in medical laboratory, take personal responsibility when needed during performing the tasks with the conciousness of team work.
Take safety precautions in medical laboratory, apply personal safety rules, and create safe laboratory environment.
Communicate effectively with their colleagues, patients, doctors and other health care workers by considering the professional and ethic values related to their field.
Act proper to the related laws, regulations and directives as an individual working in the field of medical laboratory.
Use well the information and communication technologies, and the computer software related to the field of Medical Laboratory Techniques.
Update their knowledge, skills and faculties of the field with the conciousness of life long learning, and attend the programs, vocational in-service activities and workshops in order to improve themselves individually and professionally.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
The graduates work as "Medical Laboratory Technician" in public and private health institutions and organizations. The graduates do not have the right of working as individuals; they may work in Biochemistry, Microbiology, Histology, Haematology, Serology, Pathology, Parasitology, Neurophysiology, Audiometry Laboratories, Tube Baby Centres and Blood Centres of public and private treatment institutions with/ without beds under the Health Ministry. Additionally, they may work as technicians for medicine firms and food industry sector´s units of microbiology research, and universities´ research units. They can be appointed as Health Technicians in accordance with the Public Personnel Selection Examination (KPSS).
Access to Further Studies
The graduates of Medical Laboratory program can be transferred to the undergraduate programs of Biology, and the graduates of Medical Laboratory Technicians program can be transferred to the undergraduate programs of "Nursing Care", and "Nursing and Health Services" via the External Transfer Examination (DGS)
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Every student must sign up for the subjects at the beginning of the semester, and attend at least 70 % of the classes and 80 % of the applications to be able to sit for the semester end examination. Students must sit for at least 1 mid-term exam and 1 semester end examination for each subject. The mid-term exam (grades that will be resulted from the following evaluation means of a homework assignment, application exam, laboratory exam, seminar presentation or quiz may well be added to the evaluation of the mid-term grades) contributes 40 % percent and the semester end examination contributes 60 % to the calculation of the success grade. All exams are evaluated over 100 points. It is mandatory to get at least 50 points from the final exam. The course passing grade average is at least 50 and the success of the class is measured by the Relative Evaluation System. The students who take the grades of AA, BA, BB, CB and CC from a subject become successful at the subject. The grades of DC and DD are conditional pass grades. In order to become successful at a subject which a student takes, he or she has to have at least 2.0 general weighted grade average (GANO) when graduating from the school.
Graduation Requirements
In order to complete the program with success, a student has to pass (equal to 121 AKTS) all of the subjects exist in the program, and have at least 2.00 over 4.00 general weighted grade average, and complete the 30 work day internship at the end of the second year with success.
Address and Contact Details
Program Başkanı: Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Elif ERTÜRK
Tel: 0224 29 42496
Education Language is Turkish, and the quota is 62 students. It does not have a preparation and an evening program. Classes are taught at the classrooms of the school and the classrooms of U.U. Medicine Faculty. Applications are performed in various laboratories of Medicine Faculty and Research Application Centre.