Türkçe English Curriculum Key Learning Outcomes
General Description
Brief History
The Institute of Life Sciences was founded in 1982 within The Rectorate of Bursa Uludag University. The Institute conducts graduate and doctorate education in the faculty of Arts and Science, the faculty of Engineering and Architecture and the faculty of Agriculture as part of the Institution´s goals and principles of graduate education. Currently, graduate studies in 20 disciplines are ongoing in the institute.
The Biology discipline has started the Doctorate education in the spring semester of 1985-1986. As of now, 54 of students have graduated and received a Master´s Degree. Now, 17 of students are enrolled in the Master´s program.
Qualification Awarded
Biology program is subjected to 180-240 ECTS credits and eighth stage degree system in higher education. The Doctorate (Ph. D.) Degree in Biology Program is awarded to the graduates who have successfully completed all courses in the curriculum.
Level of Qualification
Third Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements
Master school certificate is required. Application to the PD program with master certificate depends on conformity condition of PHD. Candidates must have science base ALES score determined by Bursa Uludag University Senate. Students must have UDS, TOEFL, TOEFL or equivalent examinations accepted by YOK whose minimum score determined by Senate in languages of English, German, French, Italian, Russian and Arabic, for foreign students in English, German, French languages. Bursa UU Senate decides the Equivalence of other foreign language documents. For foreign candidates, Tomer candidates Turkish competency given by TOMER and ALES exam results or GRE, GMAT and other exams which are by YOK in international level.
Specific arrangements for the recognition of prior learning
The provisions in “Regulation on Transfer among Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, and Subspecialty and the Principals of Credit Transfer among Institutions in Higher Education Institutions” are applied.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
The program provided a total of not less than 24-30 local credits, a qualifying examination, thesis proposal, thesis and dissertation defense consists of the presentation. Consists of compulsory and elective courses in graduate courses. 180-240 ECTS total number of credits of the program. In order to be successful in the course concerned that this notice at least 75 out of 100, which are mandatory, but non-credit Development and Learning, Instructional Planning and Evaluation and Research Methods courses must be taken. Students who have the relevant conditions are awarded to Doctoral in Biology
Profile of The Programme
The aim of the Doctorate degree program is to train individuals who become professionals in contributing to the development of science worldwide, producing theoretical or practical solutions to the issues in related areas and conducting research in national or international platforms.
Key Learning Outcomes & TYYÇ & TAY Relationship
Key Learning Outcomes
1. Improving and extending the current and advanced knowledge from the biology field with research and reaching qualities to contribute to the field
2. Comprehending the interdisciplinary interaction in which the field of biology is located
3. To be able identify and analyze new problems and develop strategies regarding the solution of these problems. To have the skills to interpret and evaluate the data including the planning, organization and observation processes for selecting the appropriate techniques and methods for evaluation of the data
4. To be able to interpret the data from the studies with relevant methods or techniques from the study, for instance to have the skills to construe the scientific study with statistical analysis
5. To be able to interpret the data from laboratory results and field studies and link these data with the current literature
6. Having the ability to communicate and discuss ideas clearly and systematically in verbal and written forms systematically with colleagues in national and international platforms.
7. To contribute to the science of biology by publishing an national/international article in refereed journal or by producing a novel work
8. Improving his/her knowledge with a novel vision and research and addition of values to scientific knowledge with the goal of pursuing the interests of his/her country
9. To be able to implement or present gained knowledge and gain experience in laboratory settings and/or field studies.
10. To specialize in certain areas of biology and to be qualified to plan, produce and evaluate the results of a research project
11. To be aware of social and universal impacts of scientific knowledge and applications and to be aware of the subjects of entrepreneurship and innovativeness. To be able to understand and contribute to the solution of social, scientific, cultural and ethical problems that are faced in the field of biology.
TYYÇ - Key Learning Outcomes Relationship
SKILLS Cognitive - Practical
  • To be aware of social and universal impacts of scientific knowledge and applications and to be aware of the subjects of entrepreneurship and innovativeness. To be able to understand and contribute to the solution of social, scientific, cultural and ethical problems that are faced in the field of biology.
  • To be able to implement or present gained knowledge and gain experience in laboratory settings and/or field studies.
  • To contribute to the science of biology by publishing an national/international article in refereed journal or by producing a novel work
  • To be able to interpret the data from the studies with relevant methods or techniques from the study, for instance to have the skills to construe the scientific study with statistical analysis
  • Having the ability to communicate and discuss ideas clearly and systematically in verbal and written forms systematically with colleagues in national and international platforms.
  • To specialize in certain areas of biology and to be qualified to plan, produce and evaluate the results of a research project
  • To be able identify and analyze new problems and develop strategies regarding the solution of these problems. To have the skills to interpret and evaluate the data including the planning, organization and observation processes for selecting the appropriate techniques and methods for evaluation of the data
  • To be able to interpret the data from laboratory results and field studies and link these data with the current literature
KNOWLEDGE Theoretical - Conceptual
  • Improving and extending the current and advanced knowledge from the biology field with research and reaching qualities to contribute to the field
  • To specialize in certain areas of biology and to be qualified to plan, produce and evaluate the results of a research project
  • Having the ability to communicate and discuss ideas clearly and systematically in verbal and written forms systematically with colleagues in national and international platforms.
  • Comprehending the interdisciplinary interaction in which the field of biology is located
  • To be aware of social and universal impacts of scientific knowledge and applications and to be aware of the subjects of entrepreneurship and innovativeness. To be able to understand and contribute to the solution of social, scientific, cultural and ethical problems that are faced in the field of biology.
  • To be able to implement or present gained knowledge and gain experience in laboratory settings and/or field studies.
  • To contribute to the science of biology by publishing an national/international article in refereed journal or by producing a novel work
COMPETENCES Field Specific Competence
  • To be aware of social and universal impacts of scientific knowledge and applications and to be aware of the subjects of entrepreneurship and innovativeness. To be able to understand and contribute to the solution of social, scientific, cultural and ethical problems that are faced in the field of biology.
  • Comprehending the interdisciplinary interaction in which the field of biology is located
  • Improving his/her knowledge with a novel vision and research and addition of values to scientific knowledge with the goal of pursuing the interests of his/her country
  • To be able to interpret the data from laboratory results and field studies and link these data with the current literature
  • Having the ability to communicate and discuss ideas clearly and systematically in verbal and written forms systematically with colleagues in national and international platforms.
  • To contribute to the science of biology by publishing an national/international article in refereed journal or by producing a novel work
  • To specialize in certain areas of biology and to be qualified to plan, produce and evaluate the results of a research project
  • Improving and extending the current and advanced knowledge from the biology field with research and reaching qualities to contribute to the field
  • To be able to implement or present gained knowledge and gain experience in laboratory settings and/or field studies.
COMPETENCES Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility
  • To be able to implement or present gained knowledge and gain experience in laboratory settings and/or field studies.
  • Improving and extending the current and advanced knowledge from the biology field with research and reaching qualities to contribute to the field
  • Improving his/her knowledge with a novel vision and research and addition of values to scientific knowledge with the goal of pursuing the interests of his/her country
  • To be aware of social and universal impacts of scientific knowledge and applications and to be aware of the subjects of entrepreneurship and innovativeness. To be able to understand and contribute to the solution of social, scientific, cultural and ethical problems that are faced in the field of biology.
  • To specialize in certain areas of biology and to be qualified to plan, produce and evaluate the results of a research project
  • To contribute to the science of biology by publishing an national/international article in refereed journal or by producing a novel work
  • To be able to interpret the data from laboratory results and field studies and link these data with the current literature
COMPETENCES Communication and Social Competence
  • To be aware of social and universal impacts of scientific knowledge and applications and to be aware of the subjects of entrepreneurship and innovativeness. To be able to understand and contribute to the solution of social, scientific, cultural and ethical problems that are faced in the field of biology.
  • To contribute to the science of biology by publishing an national/international article in refereed journal or by producing a novel work
  • Improving and extending the current and advanced knowledge from the biology field with research and reaching qualities to contribute to the field
  • Having the ability to communicate and discuss ideas clearly and systematically in verbal and written forms systematically with colleagues in national and international platforms.
  • Improving his/her knowledge with a novel vision and research and addition of values to scientific knowledge with the goal of pursuing the interests of his/her country
  • Comprehending the interdisciplinary interaction in which the field of biology is located
COMPETENCES Learning Competence
  • To be able to interpret the data from the studies with relevant methods or techniques from the study, for instance to have the skills to construe the scientific study with statistical analysis
  • To be aware of social and universal impacts of scientific knowledge and applications and to be aware of the subjects of entrepreneurship and innovativeness. To be able to understand and contribute to the solution of social, scientific, cultural and ethical problems that are faced in the field of biology.
  • Improving and extending the current and advanced knowledge from the biology field with research and reaching qualities to contribute to the field
  • To specialize in certain areas of biology and to be qualified to plan, produce and evaluate the results of a research project
  • To contribute to the science of biology by publishing an national/international article in refereed journal or by producing a novel work
TYYÇ - TAY Key Learning Outcomes Relationship
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
The graduates may work in the government; in related departments of universities to conduct scientific research and educational activities as a faculty member, a research assistant or a specialist, in research institutes, museums of natural history, botanic gardens, arboretums, national parks, water product plants, marine sciences research institutes, General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works, Turkish Standards Institution, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Ministry of Forestry and Hydraulic Works, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), zoos, treatment plants, customs control center and laboratory animals research labs. The graduates can work as teachers in private schools or schools under the regulation of The Ministry of National Education after meeting the qualifications of The Ministry of National Education. The graduates can work in pharmaceutical and medical companies, biotechnology firms, medical laboratories and food control laboratories in the private sector.
Access to Further Studies
Graduates who successfully completed doctorate degree may apply to both in the same or related disciplines in higher education institutions at home or abroad to get a position in academic staff or to governmental R&D centers to get expert position.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
This section is explained in the courses description and implementation forms
Graduation Requirements
Students must successfully pass all compulsory and elective courses on the program (equivalent to a total of 180-240 ECTS) mention about ´Qualification Requirements and Regulations´. And who have successfully completed all courses in the curriculum will be given The Doctorate Degree in Biology Program.
Mode of Study
Address and Contact Details
Program Başkanı
Prof. Dr. Adem BIÇAKÇI
Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi
Görükle Kampüsü, Nilüfer/BURSA 16059
Tel: 0224 2941789
E-posta: abicakci@uludag.edu.tr
Bologna Koordinatörü
Doç. Dr. Gamze YILDIZ
Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi
Görükle Kampüsü, Nilüfer/BURSA 16059
Tel: 0224 2941847
E-posta: gamze@uludag.edu.tr
There are 65 open courses in total for the doctorate level education in Biology in fall and spring semesters of the 2012-2013 academic year. 11 of these courses are compulsory, and 54 of them are occupational elective.
The department comprises of 12 professors, 9 associate professors,8 assistant professors, 10 research assistants, 3 biologists and 1 senior biologist.
The department continues its educational activities in Faculty of Arts and Science Buildings B, C, F and G, Central Laboratory located in the Rectorate Building. There are 11 classrooms, 5 student laboratories, 11 research laboratories, 1 herbarium and 1 zoology museum available in the department.
Bologna İletişim
Mail : bologna@uludag.edu.tr
Tasarım & Kodlama
Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı © 2015