General Description
International Trade Masters with Thesis Programme within Social Sciences Institute is being organized under the department of International Business and Trade since 2014. Education language is Turkish.
This programme is being applied as a second degree International Trade department 90 ECTS programme at the higher education. The students who can complete the programme and getting sufficiencies would have International Trade Masters degree.
Second Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements
The alumni of faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Advanced Technology Institute, Social Sciences, Economics,Business, etc which have 4 years education term can applicate the programme. Terms fo Uludağ University Graduate Legislation of Education and Training are in use to accept the students.
Specific arrangements for the recognition of prior learning
The provisions in “Regulation on Transfer among Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, and Subspecialty and the Principals of Credit Transfer among Institutions in Higher Education Institutions” are applied.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
The students who can succes the first two semesters elected and compulsory lessons and complete and defense his/her thesis in front of an elected jury succesfully can get the diploma of International Masters Degree.
Profile of The Programme
Main aim of the programme is to train the owner of high leveled knowledge and capacity, self confidienced experts to satisfy the requirements of today and future. The programme aims her students to product scientific articles, to synthesis, review them and to work for public by using them. International Trade graduate programme includes courses at the scope of, “Foreign Trade Theories and Politics”, “Theories of Ecomics”, “Applied International Trade and Logisticks”, “International Finance”, “International Accounting”, “International Management”, and “International Banking”. Masters programme with thesis is being formed with 1 year lesson phase, 1 year thesis phase totally 2 years. One advisor is appointed for every each student and the students maket he electing of their lessons by their advisors help.
Key Learning Outcomes - TYYÇ - TAY Relationship
be able to have the necessary level of knowledge and understanding related to scientific data and sources with modern methods and techniques of international business and trade by gaining basic knowledge about international trade
be able to identify, and analyze concepts, ideas, and problem areas in the field of international trade and develop predictions / recommendations based on evidence and researches
be able to take responsibility and work with disciplinary and interdisciplinary teams and people and groups who have different profiles and cultures
be able to have capability to open to change and innovation, to be entrepreneur and adopt himself continually by comprehending the necessity of lifelong learning
be able to evaluate and analyze the information obtained about contemporary issues in the context of national and international dimensions
be able to use the essential information needed in the areas of finance, law, economics, international relations and other areas in the field of international trade
be able to perceive that deciding and moving in together is more efficient than individuality
be able to use the basic professional kowledge by evaluating the events with a critical approach
be able to conduct advanced studies independently with learning skills and critical thinking
be ablo to transfer his ideas, problems and solutions in written and verbal by using Turkish and, if necessary, foreign language knowledge
be able to understand legal, social and moral responsibility of work life and gain awareness professional and ethical responsibility to perceive social transformation
be able to have the knowledge and skills in the areas of the foreign trade, international business, logistics, foreign exchange, supply chain management required in qualified staff needed by business world and foreign trade agencies
TYYÇ - Key Learning Outcomes Relationship
1 |
be able to have the necessary level of knowledge and understanding related to scientific data and sources with modern methods and techniques of international business and trade by gaining basic knowledge about international trade |
2 |
be able to identify, and analyze concepts, ideas, and problem areas in the field of international trade and develop predictions / recommendations based on evidence and researches |
3 |
be able to take responsibility and work with disciplinary and interdisciplinary teams and people and groups who have different profiles and cultures |
4 |
be able to have capability to open to change and innovation, to be entrepreneur and adopt himself continually by comprehending the necessity of lifelong learning |
5 |
be able to evaluate and analyze the information obtained about contemporary issues in the context of national and international dimensions |
6 |
be able to use the essential information needed in the areas of finance, law, economics, international relations and other areas in the field of international trade |
7 |
be able to perceive that deciding and moving in together is more efficient than individuality |
8 |
be able to use the basic professional kowledge by evaluating the events with a critical approach |
9 |
be able to conduct advanced studies independently with learning skills and critical thinking |
10 |
be ablo to transfer his ideas, problems and solutions in written and verbal by using Turkish and, if necessary, foreign language knowledge |
11 |
be able to understand legal, social and moral responsibility of work life and gain awareness professional and ethical responsibility to perceive social transformation |
12 |
be able to have the knowledge and skills in the areas of the foreign trade, international business, logistics, foreign exchange, supply chain management required in qualified staff needed by business world and foreign trade agencies |
TAY - Key Learning Outcomes Relationship
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
Cause of the field of International Trade is weighted at the private sector the alumnus are generally being employed at the national/internatioanl companies’ foreign trade, logistics, forein marketing, financement, production, human sources and management departments. Graduate education is an effective factor for alumnus to get a higher career in these companies.
Access to Further Studies
It is not possible to access to an upper programme which is doctorate after a non-thesis graduate programme.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
It is needed to register to courses at the beging of the semester and to attend to classess %70 for having final exams at the end of the year for all students. Students have to get their exams for each lesson and semester. Evaluation of the exams are out of 100 points. Students have to get minimum 70 points from mid term or make up exams. Students are succesfull from lessons who get AA, BA, BB, CB and CB grades.
Graduation Requirements
For compliting the programme elective and compulsory lessons has to be passed (totally equal to 90 ECTS) and has to be passed the coplition of thesis.
Address and Contact Details
Bölüm Başkanı: Doç.Dr. Müslüm BASILGAN,
Uludağ Üniversitesi İnegöl İşletme Fakültesi Uluslararası Ticaret ve İşletmecilik Bölümü.
0224 294 26 95-
Each courses are lectured by 1 Professor, 5 Associate professor and 2 Assistant Profesors who are experts at their fields. Intensive theoric and applied lessons will be provided by symposiums, congresses and panels at the variated fields and participators of them for students. Studies for the Semester Projects will be directed, provided and supervise by members of the teaching.