Türkçe English Curriculum Key Learning Outcomes
Medicine-Reproductive Biology and Clinical Embryology
General Description
Brief History
Post Graduate Program of Reproductive Biology and Clinical Embryology with thesis in the Deparment of Medicine-Histology and Embryology has began by the Graduate School of Health Sciences since 2014.
Qualification Awarded
The department offers the second cycles of higher education in terms of ECTS credits (90-120 credits, awarding a Master´s degree). After the successful completion of the program and fulfillment of requirements, a master’s degree in Reproductive Biology and Clinical Embryology is awarded
Level of Qualification
Second Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements
To apply for a Master´s degree; Candidates must hold a Bachelor´s degree, and possess ALES with the minimum acceptable score on sciences determined by the Senate. Among foreign languages such as English, German, French, Italian, Russian and Arabic, candidates must demonstrate proficiency in a language by satisfying one of the following exams; ÜDS, KPDS, TOEFL or equivalent approved by YÖK, or the proficiency exam carried out by Uludag University School of Foreign Languages, and provide the minimum acceptable score as approved by the Senate. Recognition of any other foreign language qualifications is dependent on the Senate. For foreign nationals, admission requirement shall be any of the following; Turkish Proficiency Exam by TÖMER and corresponding ALES score, or scores in exams such as GRE or GMAT, accepted as internationally equivalent by YÖK. Candidates for Master´s programs must possess a minimum score of 55 points in ALES; 50 language points in ÜDS/KPDS/UÜDS or equivalent. Those who score below 60 points in overall performance are not admitted. In evaluation, the listed exams are responsible for the following percentages: ALES score 50%, Foreign Language 15%, GPA of Bachelor´s degree 15%, interview 20%.
Specific arrangements for the recognition of prior learning
The provisions in “Regulation on Transfer among Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, and Subspecialty and the Principals of Credit Transfer among Institutions in Higher Education Institutions” are applied.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
In order to receive a post graduate degree in Reproductive Biology and Clinical Embryology, students must take minimum 21 and maximum 28 credits (equivalent to 90-120 ECTS credits) from the compulsory and elective courses that the program includes and get a 70 points out of 100 for each course. The students who take at least 7 courses that are available in Post Graduate Programs of the department or other related departments, complete all of them successfully, and defend his/her thesis before a jury are regarded qualified
Profile of The Programme
Post Graduate Program with thesis is composed of four semesters. The first half of it includes courses and thesis preparation process and the second half of it involves the stage of writing up and completing the thesis.
The goal of the Program is to ensure that students have basic equipment about reproductive biology and embryology, fundamentals of developmental biology applications in medicine and scientific research. These information will be presented to the students in theoric lectures and addition to laboratories. This program is aimed that students who completed this program have the experience and information to work in embryology and andrology laboratories contained in Assisted Reproduction Centers. Students who completed this masters program will have gained the right to apply to the revelant learning center to work as an director of embryology and andology laboratories. Candidates are be able to work with stem cells and cell culture in laboratory studies with their information obtained in this program. In addition, this program; related fields (embryology, reproductive biology) is suitable for graduate degree candidates who wish to continue their doctoral program.
Key Learning Outcomes & Classified & Comparative
1. Have the knowledge the level of expertisein the field of Reproductive Biology and Clinical Embryology.
2. Learn the operation of assisted reproduction treatment centers, clinics and gain the knowledge about laboratory tecniques.
3. Gains the ability to perform the work in embryology and andrology laboratories.
4. Gains necessary knowledge and skills to study in the research laboratory,
5. Acts in accordance with the Science, human and animal ethics,
6. Comprehends how to plan and conduct a scientific study,
7. Keeps up with the hafifletici innovations,
8. Gains the skills of presentation and transferring,
9. Has the skill of working independently and being able to make collaborations,
10. Has the qualifications of a questioner, analyzer and observer,
11. Has an analytical point of view to solve the problems encountered.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
He/she can work in the fields of education, health and R&D laboratories.
Access to Further Studies
He/she can be applied to Doctoral Programs as long as the required qualifications are meet.
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
The exams of the courses can be done written, written-oral or applied. In order to take the tests of the postgraduate programs, the attendance of the courses is required to be at least 70% in theoretical courses or 80% in practical courses. The exams are evaluated by over 100 points awarded. To be successful, at master programs, it is required to get at least 70 points out of 100 points. Within the frame of the principals mentioned above, to evaluate the points as letter grades; getting AA, BA, BB, CB and CC at master degree are considered successful at the courses.
Graduation Requirements
Graduate program with thesis is comprised of at least seven courses on condition that they are not less than 21 credits nor more than 28 credit (90-120 ECTS) hours, one seminar for each course and thesis study period, thesis study and thesis exam. Though Scientific Preparatory Program is not needed, to the extend that the advisor finds it necessary, undergraduate level courses may also be assigned to the student on condition that they will be non-credit.
Mode of Study
Address and Contact Details
Doç.Dr. Berrin Avcı
UÜ Tıp Fakültesi Histoloji ve Embriyoloji Anabilim Dalı, UÜ Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı Tüpbebek Merkezi 16059 Görükle/Bursa
Tel: 224.2954071, 224.2952525
There is a total of 5 academic members, including 3 professors and 2 associate professors, in the department of Histology and Embryology.
Light, Electron, Immunohistochemistry, Microwave, Cell Culture, Embryo Culture, Image Analysis Laboratories and a Seminar hall are available.
Embryology and Andrology Laboratory in IVF Center depends on department of Obstetric and Gynecology facilities are also utilized.
This program is multidisciplinary. One faculty member (professor or associate professor) from departments of Gynecology and Obstetric, Urology and Medical Genetics gives to course a lecturer in this program.
Bologna İletişim
Mail : bologna@uludag.edu.tr
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