Türkçe English Curriculum Key Learning Outcomes
Organic Agriculture
General Description
Brief History
Organic Agriculture Program was opened under Orhaneli, Keles and Karacabey Vocational High Schools´ Crop and Animal Production Department in 2010.
Qualification Awarded
This department is subject to 120 ECTS credits short cycle (first base) gradation system in Organic Agriculture field in higher education. When the program is completed successfully and program proficiency is gained, Short Cycle Grade in Organic Agriculture field is hold.
Level of Qualification
Short Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements
Candidates must have high school diploma and obtained the required score in YGS6 in University Student Selection Exam or candidates can be accepted without an examination from relavant high schools to relevant departments in vocational schools.
Specific arrangements for the recognition of prior learning
The provisions in “Regulation on Transfer among Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, and Subspecialty and the Principals of Credit Transfer among Institutions in Higher Education Institutions” are applied.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
To get short cycle degree in Organic Agriculture Field, students should pass all of the mandatory and optional courses in the program (equivalent to 120 ECTS in total) and general weighted average mark should be at least 2.0 out of 4.0.
Profile of The Programme
The aim of Organic Agriculture Program´s education is; training ´Organic Agriculture Technicians´ who know using the modern production techniques, which aim protecting the ecological balance, producing the inputs that are used for all sorts of vegetative and animal productions according to the organic agriculture method and processing, storing, and controlling these products, and which are not harmful for environment and human health.
Key Learning Outcomes & TYYÇ & TAY Relationship
Key Learning Outcomes
1. Learns and applies the basic principles of Organic Agriculture studies
2. Recognizes, grows, stores, and markets the Organic vegetative products (field vegetables, fruit and vegetable growing, and viticulture)
3. Gains proficiency in understanding the basic principles of animal husbandry science and producing organic animal products
4. Identifies the problems that may be encountered at the time of growing, storing, and marketing the organic products and finds solutions
5. Gains proficiency in identifying, and using the tools, equipment, and supplies about agricultural production
6. Understands the improvements in ecosystem, biodiversity and sustainable agriculture management, rural development, agricultural planning, and usage of the agricultural technology and these improvements' effects in human life
7. Evaluates and applies the new improvements and applications in Organic Agriculture field
8. Uses the information and communication technology with computer software which is required by the Organic Agriculture Field.
9. Develops positive attitude towards lifelong learning with the knowledge and proficiency that are gained over Organic Agriculture field
10. Being the technician that has professional, social ethic values and scientific training education, becomes a member of the team work and takes personal responsibility when needed
11. Uses Turkish language actively in written and spoken communication; has the knowledge in foreign language in order to follow the field's international literature and to communicate
TYYÇ - Key Learning Outcomes Relationship
TYYÇ - TAY Key Learning Outcomes Relationship
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
Graduates can work as technicians in Food, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Ministry, private farms that breed Organic Agriculture, organic products´ control and certification foundations and farmer organizations
Access to Further Studies
Candidates that finish the short cycle education successfully can continue education in license programs of Faculty of Agriculture´s related departments in terms of the Vertical Transition Exam and the quato
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
At the beginning of each semester each student must register and attend to classes at least 70%, and 80% for applications in order to take final exam. Students are subjected to for each course at least one midterm and final exam. Success grade, midterm exam (as the midterm grade homework, laboratory exams, quizzes, etc. can be evaluated in the scores obtained from measuring instruments) contributed 50% and 50% in the form of contribution to the final exam. All exams are evaluated over 100 points. Final exam are required to obtain at least 30 points. A student AA, BA, BB, CB and CC has received a letter grade, students are considered successful from that course. DC and DD notes are notes that conditionally successful. DC or DD grade in a course is considered successful If overall weighted grade point average is at least 2.0.
Graduation Requirements
To finish the program successfully, passing all the lessons of the program (equivalent to 120 ECTS), getting 2.0 GPA out of 4.0 and finishing the training course successfully is needed.
Mode of Study
Address and Contact Details
Öğr.Gör. Dr. Sevin TEOMAN DURAN
Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Karacabey Meslek Yüksekokulu
Tel: 0224 676 16 09
In the program, with two years education, basic information is given in the first year; and in the second year, with mandatory and optional lessons, epplied aducation is given according to the students´ aimed sector. The application of the lessons are done in the neighbouring organic agriculture establishments.
Bologna İletişim
Mail : bologna@uludag.edu.tr
Tasarım & Kodlama
Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı © 2015