Türkçe English Rapor to Course Content
2 Course Code: BSM6014
3 Type of Course: Optional
4 Level of Course: Third Cycle
5 Year of Study: 1
6 Semester: 2
7 ECTS Credits Allocated: 6
8 Theoretical (hour/week): 2
9 Practice (hour/week) : 2
10 Laboratory (hour/week) : 0
11 Prerequisites: None
12 Recommended optional programme components: None
13 Language: Turkish
14 Mode of Delivery: Face to face
15 Course Coordinator: Prof. Dr. ALİ VARDAR
16 Course Lecturers: YOK
17 Contactinformation of the Course Coordinator: e-posta: dravardar@uludag.edu.tr
Telefon: 0 224 2941605
Adres: Uludağ Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Biyosistem Mühendisliği Bölümü, Görükle Kampüsü, 16059, Nilüfer/BURSA
18 Website:
19 Objective of the Course: The aim of the course is to enable the student to design irrigation machines.
20 Contribution of the Course to Professional Development It contributes to the identification and design of irrigation machines / systems to be applied in agricultural areas.
21 Learning Outcomes:
1 To understand the importance of irrigation concept;;
2 Understanding the importance of the concept of machine design;;
3 To be able to design irrigation machines;
22 Course Content:
Week Theoretical Practical
1 Physical properties of water, flow types and properties Physical properties of water, flow types and properties
2 Equivalent pipe length and total losses Equivalent pipe length and total losses
3 Planning the pipeline Planning the pipeline
4 Working principles and classification of centrifugal pumps Centrifugal pump application
5 Axial thrust and Centrifugal pump parts Centrifugal pump application
6 Theoretical principles in centrifugal pumps Problem solutions
7 Cavitation and its characteristics Problem solutions
8 Selection and operation in the pumping plant. Selection application in the pumping plant Problem solutions
9 Determining the centrifugal pump type Santrifüj pompa uygulaması
10 Calculation of pump shaft power and diameter Problem solutions
11 Sizing of pump impeller - Determination of impeller inlet conditions Pumping pump calculation example
12 Sizing of pump impeller - Determination of impeller inlet conditions Pumping pump calculation example
13 Drawing the impeller Drawing the impeller
14 Checking the diffuser requirement, determining the snail size Pumping pump calculation example
23 Textbooks, References and/or Other Materials: 1. Keskin K., Güner M., 2002, Sulama Makinaları, Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Yayın No: 1524, Ankara.
2. Güner M., 2011, Sulama Makinaları Yardımcı Ders Kitabı, Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Yayın No: 1585, Ankara.
3. Güner M., Keskin R., 2012, Sulama Makinaları, Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Yayın No: 1587, Ankara.
24 Assesment
Midterm Exam 0 0
Quiz 0 0
Homeworks, Performances 0 0
Final Exam 1 100
Total 1 100
Contribution of Term (Year) Learning Activities to Success Grade 0
Contribution of Final Exam to Success Grade 100
Total 100
Measurement and Evaluation Techniques Used in the Course The effect of the final exam on the course-passing grade is 100%.
Information If the number of students is over 20, relative evaluation is applied, if less than 20 students, absolute evaluation is applied.
Activites NUMBER TIME [Hour] Total WorkLoad [Hour]
Theoretical 14 2 28
Practicals/Labs 14 2 28
Self Study and Preparation 14 5 70
Homeworks, Performances 0 10 40
Projects 0 0 0
Field Studies 0 0 0
Midtermexams 0 0 0
Others 0 0 0
Final Exams 1 10 10
Total WorkLoad 176
Total workload/ 30 hr 5,87
ECTS Credit of the Course 6
PQ1 PQ2 PQ3 PQ4 PQ5 PQ6 PQ7 PQ8 PQ9 PQ10 PQ11 PQ12
LO1 3 2 3 4 2 3 4 3 4 3 4 3
LO2 2 3 4 5 3 2 3 4 3 4 2 3
LO3 2 3 5 4 2 3 3 4 3 2 3 3
LO: Learning Objectives PQ: Program Qualifications
Contribution Level: 1 Very Low 2 Low 3 Medium 4 High 5 Very High
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