Türkçe English Curriculum Key Learning Outcomes
Foreign Trade
General Description
Brief History
This program had been established in 2005. In addition to Gemlik Asım Kocabıyık Vocational School, this program has given education in İnegöl, Yenişehir and Social Sciences Vocational Schools. The Foreign Trade Program had been designed to meet the medium-level work stuff, required by the private and public sector for 7 years.
Qualification Awarded
Foreign Trade Short Cycle degree is given by fulfilling the 120 ECTS credits and providing program proficiency.
Level of Qualification
Short Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements
The applicants have to be graduated from a high school or an equivalent school. The admission and registration essentials are determined by Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) in accordance with the related legislations of The Council of Higher Education of Turkey.
Specific arrangements for the recognition of prior learning
The provisions in “Regulation on Transfer among Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, and Subspecialty and the Principals of Credit Transfer among Institutions in Higher Education Institutions” are applied.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
In order to have a Short Cycle degree, students must fulfill all the compulsory and elective courses (total 120 ECTS) which are in the program curriculum and have a minimum 2.00 Cumulative Grade Point Average out of 4.00.
Profile of The Programme
Foreign Trade program aims to train individuals who can work as a medium-level stuff or as an assistant of director in the foreign trade departments of public or private companies, B Carnet Custom Counselor Assistant in Customs Brokerages, founder and manager of their own Foreign Trade companies, employees in exchange departments of banks and in international logistics firms and use communication technologies efficiently and has well social relations.
Foreign Trade program gives Short-cycle education, duration of two years after high school education. Program has both formal education and secondary education, each has 30 students of quota. All students have to take and pass all of their compulsory courses. According to the program curriculum, Business Administration, Economics, Accounting, Commercial Mathematics, Law, Foreign Trade Procedures, Public Finance, and Marketing are the basic courses of the first two terms. In the second year, vocational courses such as International Economics, Exchange Procedures, Customs Procedures, Logistics, Vocational Foreign Language, International Finance, International Marketing are in the curriculum. With the compulsory courses, Work Training or vocational elective courses which enhance professional knowledge, can be taken. Also summer internship has to be applied in the field of student’s vocation. Minimum 2.00 Cumulative Grade Point Average is required to have a graduate degree.
Key Learning Outcomes & TYYÇ & TAY Relationship
Key Learning Outcomes
1. To Comprehend the main theories and terminology of International Trade
2. To Comprehend the custom operations
3. To apply International Finance and Accounting knowledge to business life
4. To have skills of using computer and software
5. To analyse Turkey and EU foreign trade structure
6. To bring in the basic reason of International marketing
7. To consult basic law rules and legislation which built the legal frame of foreign trade.
8. To have the skills of evaluating and analyzing risks which foreign trade companies may meet.
9. To Comprehend the international logistics and transportation
10. To have the qualification and eligibility to work on International platform
11. To use efficient oral and written communication skills.
12. To follow and apply the national and international actual and the economic developments about foreign trade
TYYÇ - Key Learning Outcomes Relationship
TYYÇ - TAY Key Learning Outcomes Relationship
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
Graduates can work as manager or expert in various foundations which serves in the fields of foreign trade and finance such as banking, export-import and finance hdepartments of companies, international logistics firms, broker agencies and insurance companies. The graduates may also be employed in public foundations such as Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Customs and Trade, Board of Capital Market. They can also have the title Customs Counselor Assistant.
Access to Further Studies
The Associate degree graduates may attend to an undergraduate program, if they have a valid grade in Vertical Transfer Examination. The undergraduate programs are; Banking Banking and Finance, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations Economy Economics and Finance Economics Business Administration Business Information Management Business Informatics Logistics management Capital Markets International Finance International management International Trade International Trade and Finance International Trade and Logistics
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Each student has to register to the courses at the beginning of the term and have to take minimum 70% percent attendance for the courses and 80% attendance for the practices in order to enter to the final examination. Minimum one mid-term examination and a final examination is required for each course. The course grade’s 40% percent is consist by the mid-term grade (mid-term grade may be evaluated by various measurable tools such as grades taken from semester work, lab-examination, quiz) and 60% percent is consists by final examination. All of the examination are evaluated over 100 points. At least 50 points have to be taken from the final examination. A student who has taken AA, BA, BB, CB and CC grades from course is accepted successful. DC and DD grades are conditional successful grades. To be successful for the course which DC and DD grades are taken is, Cumulative Grade Point Average must be at least 2.0.
Graduation Requirements
In order to graduate from the program, all of the compulsory and elective courses (total 120 ECTS) have to be fulfilled, minimum 2.00 Cumulative Grade Point Average out of 4.00, must be provided and compulsory internship have to be completed.
Mode of Study
Address and Contact Details
Dış Ticaret Program Başkanı
Öğr. Gör. Dr. Nur Belkıs BEKTAŞ
E-Posta: nurbektas@uludag.edu.tr
Tel: (0224)512 34 93-294 26 72
Öğr. Gör. Dr. Ebru KAPDAN
Tel: (0224)512 34 93-294 26 72
E-Posta: ebrukapdan@uludag.edu.tr
Adres:Gemlik Asım Kocabıyık Meslek Yüksekokulu
Ata Mahallesi Asım Kocabıyık-Sunğipek Yerleşkesi
16600 Gemlik/BURSA
Totally seven lecturers (3 of them have PH degree) serves In Uludag University, Foreign Trade Programs.
Courses are held in conference halls, library, laboratories and classrooms with technological hardware (projector, smart board, internet connection).
Various seminars are organized where experts and managers of the business life share their knowledge and experineces. Also technical trips are held to the enterprises for meeting and learning the business pratices.
Bologna İletişim
Mail : bologna@uludag.edu.tr
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