Türkçe English Rapor to Course Content
2 Course Code: BSM6019
3 Type of Course: Optional
4 Level of Course: Third Cycle
5 Year of Study: 1
6 Semester: 1
7 ECTS Credits Allocated: 6
8 Theoretical (hour/week): 2
9 Practice (hour/week) : 2
10 Laboratory (hour/week) : 0
11 Prerequisites: None
12 Recommended optional programme components: None
13 Language: Turkish
14 Mode of Delivery: Face to face
15 Course Coordinator: Prof. Dr. ALİ VARDAR
16 Course Lecturers: YOK
17 Contactinformation of the Course Coordinator: e-posta: dravardar@uludag.edu.tr
Telefon: 0 224 2941605
Adres: Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Biyosistem Mühendisliği Bölümü, Görükle Kampüsü, 16059, Nilüfer/BURSA
18 Website:
19 Objective of the Course: The purpose of this course, the accumulation of information about wind energy from renewable energy sources to create one of the wind energy solutions to energy requirements of different applications and businesses, the information is to provide an effective opportunity to benefit.
20 Contribution of the Course to Professional Development The student contributes to the knowledge of wind energy and agricultural applications.
21 Learning Outcomes:
1 To understand the importance of the concept of energy;
2 To analyze the characteristics of wind energy;
3 To analyze the wind power can be obtained;
4 The choice for the problem of wind turbines;
5 To understand the mechanics and aerodynamics of wind issues;
6 To develop energy projects to meet the needs of businesses;
22 Course Content:
Week Theoretical Practical
1 Introduction Lectures on the analysis of expectations
2 The formation of the wind Homework topics and information given
3 Characteristics of the wind Calculations with the characteristics of the wind
4 Ability to make the wind work Calculations related to the ability to make the wind work
5 Wind data analysis methods Wind data analysis
6 Wind energy conversion Analysis of wind energy conversions
7 Structural parameters of wind energy Analysis related to the structural parameters of wind power
8 Wind energy plants Investigation of wind power plants
9 General Review Investigation of wind power plants
10 Wind turbine types and characteristics Investigation of wind power plants
11 Mechanics and aerodynamics of wind Calculations related to the mechanics and aerodynamics of wind
12 Wind turbine site selection Wind turbine site selection analysis
13 Methods for the solution to energy needs of businesses focused on wind energy Project examples
14 General Review Project examples
23 Textbooks, References and/or Other Materials: 1. Crome H., 2000. Handbuch Windenergie Technik, ökobuch, Staufen bei Freiburg, Germany.
2. Ackermann T., 2009. Güç sistemlerinde Rüzgar, Wiley, Ankara.
3. Hanus B. Ve Stempel U.E., 2011. Das grosse Solar- und Windenergie Werkbuch, Franzis Verlag GmbH, Poing, Germany.
24 Assesment
Midterm Exam 1 40
Quiz 0 0
Homeworks, Performances 0 0
Final Exam 1 60
Total 2 100
Contribution of Term (Year) Learning Activities to Success Grade 40
Contribution of Final Exam to Success Grade 60
Total 100
Measurement and Evaluation Techniques Used in the Course The effect of the final exam on the course-passing grade is 100%.
Information If the number of students is over 20, relative evaluation is applied, if less than 20 students, absolute evaluation is applied.
Activites NUMBER TIME [Hour] Total WorkLoad [Hour]
Theoretical 14 2 28
Practicals/Labs 14 2 28
Self Study and Preparation 14 2 28
Homeworks, Performances 0 50 50
Projects 0 0 0
Field Studies 0 0 0
Midtermexams 1 16 16
Others 0 0 0
Final Exams 1 24 24
Total WorkLoad 190
Total workload/ 30 hr 5,8
ECTS Credit of the Course 6
PQ1 PQ2 PQ3 PQ4 PQ5 PQ6 PQ7 PQ8 PQ9 PQ10 PQ11 PQ12
LO1 4 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 4 4 2 4
LO2 4 5 3 4 3 4 2 4 4 4 2 2
LO3 4 5 3 4 3 4 3 5 4 4 2 3
LO4 4 5 3 3 3 5 3 5 4 4 2 3
LO5 5 4 5 3 5 3 2 5 3 5 5 5
LO6 5 4 5 3 5 3 2 5 3 5 5 5
LO: Learning Objectives PQ: Program Qualifications
Contribution Level: 1 Very Low 2 Low 3 Medium 4 High 5 Very High
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